Doop Doop Dunes

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After the battle with Paperctft MegaCrinkle Gomba they   made they way to Doop Doop Dunes

Rarity: Why did we have to come here? all of this heat will do a number on my hair!

Drago: Rarity can you forget about your hair? we have bigger problems to deal with!

Mario : I think there's a Toad Village around here so let's get there and set up camp

The group reached the total village and start to set up camp while they were there, they rescued a few more paper toads, and as they were about to leave the village paper, Kamek and Kamek appeared.

Kamek: Ken heh heh..what do we have here? It looks like the Mario Bros have teamed up with their friends

Paper Kamek: it seems they I've gotten stronger

Twlight: who the heck even are you?

Kamek: excuse me? You don't know who we are? We are elite servants of lord Bowser!

Sunset: so you're like a wizard?

Paper Kamek: where are yes thank you I believe I am the best version.

Kamek: excuse me! Who says you're the best version?!  you are Literally made of paper!

Paper Kamek: oh, well look at you or high and mighty! At least I don't.....Ah Forget about it. Anyways, we have a new weapon that we're going to Elvia right now if you take a look over there.

Drago: Ah crabbaskets! They got another papercraft only this time it's got there ugly face on it

Both Kamek's: how dare you say that?! We're going to annihilate you!

Drago: do we have something to fight this thing?

All of the sudden Toadette shows up

Mario: thank God you're here we need another Papercraft!

Don't worry this one's better than the last one* to the paper toads* let's craft!

After the paper chose, Verdun, they revealed the newest creation:Papercraft Luigi and it was holding a hammer.

Rainbow: cool, so what is this hammer 

Toadette: this one's got a ability called the flying hammer, which means you can charge and despite enemies without taking any damage and thanks to that thing you spin to the year as well his enemies with the hammer just as well as in the boss battles!

Futtershy: that sounds dangerous.

Rartiy: of course, Fluttershy, darling it's dangerous, but for the enemies not us

Drago: Time for another battle!

End of episode

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