Chapter 3

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Levi Ackerman x female reader

Warnings: cussing, minor character death (not graphic)

As the hours rolled by with nobody from the surrounding villages showing up to their appointments with you, you started to get stressed out. Were they all a bunch of no shows on purpose? Your prices weren't extravagant but you knew times were tough on everyone, especially after the breach of Wall Maria. Citizens of Wall Rose were fighting for their fair share of resources and jobs while refugees tried their best to not starve on the streets. It was a constant battle for food and wages for anyone outside Wall Sina and you hated to see people fighting amongst themselves when a much larger threat loomed right outside the failing walls. With nothing else to do, you took the time to look over Captain Levi's torn cape and decide how you were going to mend it. Why did he do that in the first place? Was he taking pity on you? You didn't mean to tell him all your financial woes, they just slipped out in the heat of the moment. Maybe he just wanted to test your skills with the sewing machine he got you? Yes, that had to be it. You had given the machine a trial run earlier and now you felt confident enough to use it on commissioned pieces. Taking in a deep breath to steady yourself in the midst of the most important project of your life, you got to work.

You sewed tirelessly throughout the afternoon and evening, barely stopping for breaks. You needed to be sure this cape was done before you took your horse into the village tomorrow to see a veterinarian. Speaking of your horse, you heard her let out a long, high pitched whinny. You quickly pushed your chair away from the table and hurried outside. She looked even sicker than she did this morning—an extremely bad sign. She could barely stand, wobbling in her pasture. There was no way she could make the journey into the village, you'd have to run there and ask for an emergency veterinarian house call. You began to cuddle up to her, whispering sweet nothings to her to calm her down, and you could tell she was becoming more and more content. Placing a long, sweet kiss to her snout, you reluctantly pulled away.

"Hold on for me, sweetheart. I'm going to get you some help. Just hang in there. Please."

Your horse just looked at you and you prayed to whatever higher being might hear you that she understood your intentions. You ran back inside to grab a lantern and jacket for the run through the chilly night air. Taking one last look at your horse, you ran as fast as your legs could take you to the village with the vet.

You were sure that when you came running into the village you looked like a complete madwoman, but you didn't care. All you knew was that you needed to get to the vet's house as fast as humanly possible. When you saw his house, the front lantern thankfully still lit, you ran up to the door and pounded on it.

"Dr. Becker! Dr. Becker! Please, it's an emergency! My horse is sick. I need your help, please!"

There was no answer. Your fists collided with the door mercilessly until finally there was movement behind the creaking wood.

"Don't you realize how late it is, girl?" the older doctor asked, opening the door. He had a disgruntled look on his face that only slightly softened when he noticed how desperate and close to tears you were.

"Please, Dr. Becker, my horse is sick. She can barely stand, won't eat, and she's been coughing. I'm begging you, please do an emergency house call right now for her. I don't know where else to go."

He sighed, rubbing his hand on his face. "I'm off duty right now, you know."

"I know. I have money," you said, pulling out a pouch of coins and letting him inspect them to prove their authenticity. He let out a "hmmph!" and collected his medical bag.

"Come, child. Show me the way."

When your house came into view, it took all you had to not climb out of the cart you were riding in to run and greet your beloved companion. As Dr. Becker parked his horses, you ran over to your own. She was lying down, completely still.

The Perfect Fit--A Levi Ackerman x Reader SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now