Chapter 12

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Levi Ackerman x female reader

Warnings: cussing, reader scared of thunderstorms, small bit of violence and blood

"Oi, y/n. It's time to wake up."

Your eyes opened and you were greeted with a gorgeous man standing over you, staring at your face. Levi didn't seem tired at all, his voice without any indication of sleep in it and his side of the bed was cold to the touch; you figured he had been awake and up for a long time. As you groaned and stretched your limbs, your mind wandered to last night's events and how Levi initiated holding your hand as you went to sleep. You were surprised but flattered that he had allowed you to invade his personal space like that. Thankfully he did because you had woken up extremely well rested, most likely due to the comfort you found with him in the dark.

"Breakfast is on the table. Eat up while you can."

Your gaze fell upon the small nightstand where a spread of food was laid out before you. Your mouth started to water as you spied all the pastries Levi brought you, complete with a warm drink. However, you found it hard to reach out and take a bite, too caught up in his kind gesture.

"It's not poisoned, brat," he said, giving you a look, "but it's going to collect dust if you keep staring instead of eating."

"You... remembered?" you half whispered. Levi's unyielding gaze softened, knowing what you were referring to. You had told him months ago that your dream was to enjoy breakfast in bed again. It was a luxury that you experienced in your youth but hadn't had in many years, and now here you were, able to have this moment, courtesy of an extremely kind hearted captain. Levi didn't say anything as he sat on the bed next to you, sipping on the tea in his hands. He was grateful for the warmth of the liquid going down his throat after being in the morning chill, having already been busy outside loading the carriage with your bags and bonding with the horse. The spring season was coming to a close but it didn't want to go out without one more cold spell. You shivered as you nibbled on a muffin, the room becoming a lot colder now that you were out from under the sheets. Levi, of course, noticed your discomfort and was quick to come to your aid, grabbing a discarded blanket from behind him and laying it across your shoulders. You thanked him, feeling the heat reenter your body, and Levi quietly admired you when your focus went back to the good in front of you. You looked utterly adorable first thing in the morning, even with the dried up drool on your chin. When you gave him a lazy smile upon waking, he felt like he was going to explode from the amount of love that was coursing through his veins. Was this what heaven felt like? He wished he could stay like this with you forever. He started to feel shy as he realized how vulnerable he had been around you overnight. All of these loving touches and gentle gestures were still so new to him and he wasn't used to showing his softer side to anyone. Even this morning had him second guessing his actions. Was he being too overbearing? He wanted to prove to you that he was helpful, useful—that he could be an attentive partner. What he lacked in verbal communication, he made up for tenfold in acts of service. While Levi was lost in his thoughts, overthinking every little action and word he'd previously shared, you were busy thinking about how empty you were feeling without his hand in yours.

After fueling up with breakfast, you were on your way to Wall Sina in no time. It was another day filled with quiet musing as you and Levi both stared out your respective windows, watching the world pass you by. The rain had started a few hours ago but it hadn't affected your travel plans yet. However, it seemed that your luck might've started running out as thunderstorms began overhead. You definitely weren't a fan of them but you tried to keep your composure as the noise boomed around you. The carriage driver informed you that you couldn't travel in this weather so he was stopping at a town up ahead for the time being. The horse and carriage were parked under a big awning near the local stables and the driver made a beeline for the coziness of the busy tavern.

The Perfect Fit--A Levi Ackerman x Reader SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now