Chapter 6

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Levi Ackerman x female reader

Warnings: cussing

When Levi woke up, he was thoroughly confused. Where was he? Whose blanket was this? Most importantly, what the fuck time was it? As he raised his face up from the table it rested on, memories came rushing back to him. He remembered your sewing machine lulling him to sleep, but it was still daytime then. He must've dozed off for at least 4 hours! That was the longest he'd slept without a nightmare in years. He looked around to greet you but you were nowhere to be seen. A small lantern was shining in your room, seemingly left for him because it wouldn't give you nearly enough light to work with. Levi wiped his eyes, taking the blanket off his back and placing it neatly on your bed. He felt the chill of the castle run through his bones without the extra warmth he'd been accustomed to for the past however long he was out for. As he eyes adjusted to the dark, he spied a note on the table near where his head previously laid.

Out for late night snack. Be back soon!


He smiled to himself. You were like a grown up Sasha the way you were always eating. He went to grab his empty tea cup to take back to the dining hall but it was gone. You must've taken it with you. He was grateful you chose to stick around him even when he pushed you away; you were a light he didn't know he needed, but if it ever went out, he'd be lost in the darkness.

You weren't sure exactly what time it was, just that it was cold and dark and food hadn't been served in the dining hall for quite some time. There were some uneaten pastries left out, probably forgotten by a drunken soldier, that you munched on. Moonlight shone through a small window at the top of the wall, illuminating where you sat. You hadn't noticed Levi come up behind you until he shared your spot on the bench. You could tell he needed the rest he got in your office because when you glanced at his face, he didn't look as worn down. You ripped off a piece of your bread and handed it to him. You two snacked together for a few minutes before he broke the silence.

"I think somebody spiked my tea. I was completely out."

"Don't look at me!" you exclaimed, putting your hands up in defense, "I like hearing you talk too much to knock you out like that. I take it you slept well?"

He nodded. "I haven't slept like that in years. Or ever, really."

"That's good then. No offense but I think you needed it. You don't look like you have heavy boulders weighing down on your shoulder right now."

"Tch. Thanks for the kind words, brat," he said, but you both knew the words had no bite behind them.

"No, I'm serious! It was nice seeing you sleep like that. You looked so peaceful and at ease for once, like you didn't have a care in the world. I hope one day you have the privilege of looking like that while you're awake."

Another comfortable quiet washed over you.

"You're not... going to tell anyone about that, are you?"

You were taken aback at how small Levi's voice sounded. "What, you sleeping? Why should I, or anyone else for that matter, care?"

"Because you and everyone else were working and I was being foolish."

"You're so hard on yourself for no reason, Levi," you said, nudging him gently with your shoulder, "you need to rest to be ready to deal with the shit you deal with. If that means taking naps in my office while I work, that's fine. I'm certainly not judging you. I don't think your squad or anyone else will either. Rest assured, I'd never tell anyone anyway, that's not my place to do so. I don't want Hange running sleep experiments on you next."

Levi exhaled a small amount out of his nose, signaling a laugh. "It's your turn to get some sleep. I don't need you fucking up the tailoring of my pants tomorrow."

The Perfect Fit--A Levi Ackerman x Reader SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now