Chapter 7

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Levi Ackerman x female reader

Warnings: none

The snow had melted and left behind strikingly green grass and blooming flowers. Spring had sprung for the Scouts and with the warmer weather came a new expedition into titan territory. You and Levi had a good thing going in your office, both working and chatting keeping you busy, so you knew what the squads had been up to. You felt your heart skip a beat at the mention of everyone you had been growing fond of venturing into dangerous territory. Of course that was literally the whole point of this military branch, but you still didn't want to see any of your friends come back hurt or not at all. The days leading up to the expedition were quiet for you but you knew your workspace would most likely be overflowing the minute the soldiers come back to the castle, tears and rips galore in every article of clothing. You took the time of the calm before the storm to work on some of your own personal projects. You were finishing up a few blankets and some children's clothes made of fabric scraps that you were going to hand out on your trip to the interior coming up. You worked diligently, your mind wandering.

Maybe Levi could accompany me? I know Erwin usually goes but it might do Levi some good away from work for a few days. Does he even believe in charity? I'll just have to ask him next time I see him... after the expedition of course.

You were thrown out of your thoughts by a knock at your door.

"Come in!" you said.

Sasha entered your office, handing you her jacket with a sheepish smile. "Hi, Ms. L/n. I know this is last minute but my jacket has a tear on the sleeve and Captain Levi said he'd personally feed me to the titans if I wore it on our trip so..." She trailed off, her cheeks showing a hint of red.

You lightly laughed, taking the jacket from her and inspecting the damage. "Of course he'd say that. This rip is pretty small so I don't know why he's nitpicking it but rest assured I'll have it ready for you in about an hour."

You saw her light up and she jumped up and down. "Oh, thank you, thank you! You're the best!"

"It's no problem, really, it's my job. Now, head back to training. I want to make sure I keep seeing your face around here."

Sasha saluted and ran out of the room. You pushed aside your previous projects and got right to work. The hole was ridiculously easy to repair and barely took any time. As you laid it on your table for her to pick up, an idea struck you. Getting out your tried and true pocket pattern, you executed your plan.

"Ms. L/n? I'm here for my jacket!"

Sasha showed up a little over an hour later and you had finished your work in the perfect amount of time.

"Oh good! I added a little something extra for you as well. Wanna see?"

She nodded her head eagerly as you flipped the jacket inside out. "It's nothing major but I thought you would get good use out of an inside pocket. I know you're always, well, hoarding food, and this way you can place it somewhere nice instead of having it fall out of your hands. I hope you like it."

You awaited her reaction with bated breath. She was quiet for a moment and you were nervous she didn't like it. All of a sudden a loud squeal left her mouth and she wrapped her arms around you in a bone crushing hug.

"You are the most wonderful woman I've ever known! We don't deserve you!"

Was she... crying? You didn't have time to figure it out before she left, jacket in tow, presumably to the dining hall to test it out. You shook your head, a smile resting easily on your lips. You had such a soft spot for all these kids and it broke you that they had to fight so hard while losing so much. Their resolve amazed you and inspired you to stay positive and strong as well. If they didn't falter in the face of danger and death, you wouldn't falter in supporting them however you could.

The Perfect Fit--A Levi Ackerman x Reader SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now