Late Night Visit

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Some say they have experienced things, involved with paranormal and crap. But no one has, if you compare it to my story, my FAMILY'S story. We saw something that could never be explained nor denied, it's not concrete evidence in itself, you just have to believe, like my friend, like my family, like the neighbours, like Mrs. Patrick, like me... you have to believe it to see it, I did. I saw my Nona, I saw Mr. Patrick, I saw someone who isn't a someone, it's a unholy being. 

"Katie! It's bedtime, can you put on the gown mum got you?" The oldest Miller girl screamed from the basement,  May only continued her laundry when the creaking of floor boards could be heard. Katie, her younger sister, was still very uneasy. Her pace around the house was always slow, as if she was convinced the monster from under the bed decided to come out and jump at her. May only agreed with her mother who said Katie was just being  sceptical and adjusting to the new house, run down, 'unstable' home.  May heard the door behind open, she turned around to look over her shoulder to see a petite figure, their chest rising up and down, "April, it's almost midnight, why are you up so late?" April was shivering, either from a spook or the cold breeze that came in from the window, opened ajar, enough to let the shivering air in. "It's Katie, she's sleepwalking, but there's something more weird about it." The older girl looked over at her youngest sibling, April still clearly given a look on her face, one of discomfort, "You know sleepwalking is weird in itself April, what's so new this time? Because whatever it is, you're shaken to the core and you know your supposed to be asleep!" April walked down the steps, matching her age, four steps. She acted as though she was just starting to walk again, her legs trembling and slowly lowering to the wood that was inches above the ground.  As if she wasn't holding on to the railing, but the railing wasn't stable either, rocking back and forth while April held onto it as she put her feet on the cold floor of the basement, "Well Katie's mumbling, weird things, about Nona. Saying she misses her and-" "April we all miss her, but we can't do anything about it." "I know but... she keeps saying things like,It's going to get you Nona, run, RUN." May stopped hanging the white sheets she currently pulled out the washer, it took her awhile since her dad still was on hold about getting a much needed new washer, but they weren't rich, nor were they broke though. May folded the sheets instead placing them down on the top of the slow machine and turning around to face April, "April that's not funny, you are scaring yourself now go to bed!, I'll go up with you okay? Just give me a minute or two." May let out a breath she had held in throughout the sentence meant to calm her sister's nerves, but April still looked scared. "Please May you have to believe me! She's up there right now saying things related to Nona and someone else." May shook her head, "No April, you were probably having a nightmare and woke up and imagined that's what you heard and saw. I did it when I was your age too, did you know that?" April shook her head "No, but I guess you're right....I had a drea-" "Nightmare, April a nightmare." "S-Sorry, I had a nightmare Bop Bop went missing and when I found him he had his sunglasses gone, you know the things that help him bop to the music." May chuckled weakly and shook her head "Well I'm sure he is in that bed of yours waiting for those long awaited snuggles and hugs you give him, now what do you say about going back upstairs?" April smiled, still convinced she heard what she heard and saw what she saw, but her siblings and parents always turned her wild imagination down, just because she is only four, doesn't mean everything is her imagination! "Okay April let's go." May said grabbing a basket of folded clothes and a few sheets, she hung the rest on the wire downstairs, the rest only being  six shirts, 1 night gown, 2 pairs of their dads work pants, and 5 sheets. She grabbed the basket with her left hand and used her right to grab her sisters, gently holding it and helping her up the steps. Once they got upstairs, immediately mumbling could be heard, "Nona...No....NO....NO!" May sighed. Out of wanting to be cool, Katie had been watching horror movies with her friends, this was definitely because she watched one about a hundred times and got it in her mind, April begged May to let her sleep in her room but May was having none of her sister scaring April, "KATIE WAKE UP!" Katie turned to face May, but didn't speak, just letting an eerie drowning silence fill the air. Eventually May picked April up, pushed a, well I guess stunned in a way, sleepwalking Katie who just stood there, looking at them without actually looking at them. May laid  April down in the pink sheets and pulled the frozen covers over her sister, "Listen it's just Katie okay? So go to sleep, have a little party with Bop Bop okay?" April nodded and grabbed the neon blue elephant that lay behind her head and squeezed it  as if she hadn't seen it for years. May walked to the door and saw Katie's very much open eyes, her hands rubbing the sleep away from them. "What time is it?" Katie said groggily, yet another annoyed teenage girl, awoken by whatever it was had awoken her, "Midnight and you woke April with your sleepwalking. Katie don't watch anything you can't handle." "Huh?" "You know what I mean, I know you've been into the horror genre and now you're mumbling in your sleep. You woke up April! What if she runs off tomorrow to share the creepy encounter with her daycare buddies?" Katie groaned "That's my decision and listen I have not watched that many! And it's April we're talking about so she is just-" "Using her imagination? She wasn't, you were talking about Nona, did you watch something about losing a family member?" Katie shook her head "Well if you don't mind me, I'm going to hit the sack, you should do the same." "On that we agree." As the daughters arrived in their separate rooms, they didn't know that wasn't the end of strange as of that night....

A/N: Hi! This is my first book in the horror genre so I want to make it good. I just finished watching the conjuring movies and they were amazing. If you haven't watched them you really should!  Anyway if you have, you can get the similarities or parts that were inspired by those movies, especially the first one! But I am not trying to direct copy or steal anything, all credits to the movies if I do, also I didn't notice the fact I literally named the youngest after the youngest in the first conjuring, I swear I didn't purposely do that! I hope you guys enjoy this book and I would love recommendations for this book and its contents, for example if you comment you want to see a certain scene or something to happen, I'll try to incorporate that in the next chapter, I am always open to  a little bit of needed criticism  and corrections if I make a mistake. Comment anything just don't harm others while doing so! And that does include me, please don't comment anything rude to me or others, by criticism I mean something that could help with the writing process. Comment anything you would like to see or see in the next chapter! Thank you for reading my book!

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