Chapter 3

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* Time Skip Next Month *

It's been a month and you were excited as Wonbin was coming back from his trip with his friends tomorrow and he called you everyday to tell you know how things were going. You then looked at the time and realised that you were gonna be late to meet Ten so you went to go and get ready.

* At the event *

You were sitting at the lobby of the event as you wanted to take some air away from everyone there, after awhile Ten came to check on you and went to sit next to you and you guys talked for awhile. As you were laughing with him you decide to go on Instagram and was shocked to see a picture of Wonbin and he was with a girl, you then froze in shock and Ten looked over at your phone.

" Uhm Hey you okay?" Said Ten

"Y-Yea why wouldn't I be their probably just friends and I trust him." You said as you faked a smiled.

Ten had no choice but to just smile at you, after awhile you guys went home.

* A few weeks later *

You asked Wonbin if the both of you could go out together but he said that he had a really busy day today so you just smile and nodded at him. A few hours later you decided to go to the mall and get some things to cook for Wonbin his favourite dinner so you got ready and left.

As you were walking at the mall you walked pass a bag store and suddenly you saw something that shocked your eyes, it was Wonbin and he was with a girl and they were kissing. You then broke into tears and ran away from that spot as you were running in tears you bumped into someone and you looked up to see it was Ten and he was shocked to see you.

" Y/ n are you okay?" Asked Ten

You couldn't say anything so you just shook your head with tears filled up in your eyes. Ten then brought you to a balcony outside of the mall to get some fresh air. After awhile you cooled down and faced Ten who was waiting for you.

" So what happened? Why are you crying hm?" Said Ten.

" I saw W-Wonbin kissing another girl" You said

" Oh Y/n I'm so sorry to hear that" Said Ten

" And I just don't know what to do" You said

Ten then went up closer to you and held both of your hands.

" Hey everything is gonna be okay" Said Ten as he was trying to comfort you.

* The next day *

You sat in the living waiting for Wonbin as he didn't come home last night but suddenly he walked in and he looked kinda drunk.

" Wonbin we need to talk" You said

" Not Y/n I'm so drained from Yesterday's work" Said Wonbin

" Drained from work? Or drained from from being with your scandal? " You said in anger.

Wonbin then turned to you in shock.

" What are you talking about I've been at work " Said Wonbin.


Wonbin was speechless and just stood there in silence not facing you,You then went up to him in anger.

" Look at me and tell me that you love me and not her." You said with tears in your eyes.

" I-I love you" Said Wonbin as he turned to face you.

" LIAR!!!" You said in anger tears as you slapped Wonbin.

" Y/n please just let me explain myself" Said Wonbin

" How long have you been with her?" You said

" Y/n it's nothing like that" Said Wonbin

" HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WITH HER ANSWER ME PARK WONBIN!!!!!" You shouted with angry tears.

" F-five months" Said Wonbin

" Is she better then me?" You asked with tears

Wonbin just stood and looked away and seeing him do that gave you your answer. You then took your bag and and left the house. You went to beach and called Ten and he came immediately. The whole time you were crying and Ten was comforting you.

" Maybe I'm just not enough maybe I should just drowned myself" You said as you were about to ran to the water but Ten pulled you away.

You were trying to fight out of Ten's grip but he was too strong and suddenly he placed his hands on your face and made you turn to face him.

" Y/n listen to me you are enough okay?" Said Ten

" But he cheated on me" You said while crying

" He doesn't deserve you" Said Ten

He then pulled you in and hugged you and you cried harder. After awhile of claming you down Ten sent you home as he wanted to make sure that you were okay. After awhile you arrived home and you didn't want to leave Ten's car.

" Hey what's wrong?" Asked Ten

" I-I don't know what it he say something I don't wanna hear" You said.

Ten the grabbed onto your hand and held it.

" Hey listen to me everything is gonna be okay I know you're strong I know it, call me if there's anything okay?" Said Ten.

You then smiled at Ten and for some reason him holding to your hand made you feel so much better. You then got out of the car and Ten watched as you entered the house. But little did you know Wonbin saw you from your room window.

You then went up to your bedroom and saw that Wonbin was there but you just couldn't turn to face him.

" Y /n listen we need to talk" Said Wonbin.

You just decided to ignore him and was about to go to the bathroom but suddenly stopped as Wonbin had said something that shocked you.

" I'm gonna marry her and that's my final decision" Said Wonbin.

You were speechless and didn't know what to say so you just went into the bathroom. You then went to the shower and bursted into tears and cried as you showered.

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