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Wonbin was about to kiss you but suddenly he got punched on the face and fell onto the ground. You the turned to see that it was Ten and he looked really mad at Wonbin. Ten then looked and you and saw how scared you looked so he went up to you.

" Baby are you okay? Did he hurt you? I'm sorry I got here late now come on lets get out of here" Said Ten as he held your hand and turned around.

Wonbin got mad so grabbed the knife that you dropped earlier and was about to stab Ten but Ten held onto the blade of the knife and pushed the knife aside and Wonbin got even mad so he was about the punch Ten but Ten avoided it and kicked and punch Wonbin which made him unconscious.

After that Ten turned to you yo see if you were okay and saw how scared you looked.

" Are you okay my love? Don't be scared it's over now and I'm here" Said Ten

" But your hand it's bleeding alot" You said in worried tone.

" Don't worry about me love the most important is that your save now and I won't ever let anyone hurt you ever again." Said Ten as he pulled in for a hug with his non bleeding hand.

And not long after the police arrived and arrested Wombin.

* Time Skip Five months later *

You and Ten got married a few months ago and he decided to bring you on a holiday as he wanted to spent more time with after being really busy with work for the past two months and you guys were also celebrating Ten's birthday as were standing at a really nice balcony outside of a really nice restaurant and Ten came up to you and hugged you as you turned you saw that it was Ten and you smiled.

" Hey love what are you doing out here?" Said Ten

" Oh nothing just getting some fresh air thats all "  You said.

" Well it is good out here so I see why you're here " Said Ten.

You and Ten then giggled after that you reached into your bag and took out a small gift box for Ten.

" Btw happy birthday babe " You said as you gave him the box.

" Baby you didn't have to get me anything for my birthday you being wife is already the best gift I could possibly get " Said Ten.

" I know but just open it okay? " You said as you smiled at Ten.

Ten then smiled back at you and opened the box and when he opened it there was a note inside and Ten read the note.

" See you soon daddy?" Said Ten as he read the note all confused.

" Wait baby did you give me a cond*m for my birthday?" Asked Ten.

" What? no silly you gotta remove the note" You said.

Ten then removed the note and when he saw the gift his face lead up with a smile.

" B-baby is this for real?" Asked Ten

You then nodded with a smile and Ten looked even more happy.

" Omg I can't believe it I'm gonna be a daddy" Said Ten with a smile.

He then hugged you tightly as he was really happy, he then broke the hug and held your waist and looked into your eyes.

" How did I get so lucky to have you and I promise I would never trade you for any amount of money because you more precious then any amount of money in this world." Said Ten

" Awh and I'm lucky to have you too " You said.

Ten then smiled and gave you a peck on the lips.

" I love you " Said Ten

" I love you too" You said

He then pulled you in for another kiss and you both kissed under the moonlight.


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