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Ballon woke up tired and annoyed.His job as a superhero is hard work.You heard me right,some objects have superpowers and use for good!..and evil. Balloon happened to be the former,using his powers for good. Although his only actual power was a float since he was a balloon.The fact of that matter angered him.He decided to get out of bed and do some superhero work! Well, at least as much superhero work he could do."Another day of saving the day!" Ballon exclaimed. He liked being able to help other objects, and it made him feel happy. Once he arrived at his workplace...or HQ? He didn't really know what to call it being perfectly honest. "Sorry I'm late, guys." Ballon said."Oh,nah, it's fine, don't sweat it!" Nickel said with a sarcastic tone. Nickel had the ability to manipulate minerals (like copper,zinc stuff like that), which was really impressive. "Guys,cut him some slack!" Suitcase exclaimed. Suitcase had the ability to store anything in her..Suitcase. "Yeah, Nickel,go easy on him." Baseball,the leader of the group, said.Baseball had super strength (It didn't help that he didn't have arms), which was pretty cool. "I'll make sure to come here on time." Balloon told the group. "Fine,but make sure you keep that promise!" Nickel exclaimed. Their arguing was interrupted by a loud boom. The group left the building to find out what caused the noise. They saw a building in shambles and a silver spoon standing on top of the rubble. "Foolish heroes, you can't stop me even if you tried!" Silver Spoon cackled. Baseball rushed towards the villain,attempting to kick him. Unfortunately, Silver Spoon dodged the kick and caught baseball's leg. "UH OH!" Baseball yelled. Silver Spoon started to swing Baseball around like he was weightless. It was safe to say that Nickle was enraged by the sight of this "STOP SWINGING MY FRIEND!" Nickel yelled. "Or what?" The spoon questioned. "OR THIS!" Nickel tried to use his mineral bending against Silver,and it worked! "Not good!" The spoon yelled. "Nickel! Do it now!" Balloon exclaimed. "ON IT!" Nickel screamed and threw Silver away. "I'll be back!" The spoon exclaimed. Now that Silver Spoon was gone,Nickle yelled at Balloon, "Why didn't you try to help!" Nickel questioned. "I did." Balloon stated. "HOW?" Nickel screamed. "I carried Baseball away from Silver Spoon."Oh." Nickel said. "My bad." Nickel apologized? That was really rare. "It's fine Nickel." Balloon told the coin. "Don't expect another apology any time soon,though." Nickel exclaimed. Balloon chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it." "Hey guys,now that this "battle" thing is over can we go back home?" Suitcase asked. "Sure." Baseball said. And with that,they headed back to their place.

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