Deciding Fight

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Balloon had asked the rest of the final four what exactly they were going to do now that he was back. Silver Spoon had an idea. "What if we make a grand act! We would do something special to forever cement our legacy as the strongest villains of all time." It was a pretty nice idea. Balloon agreed,and so did Fan. Cabby wasn't as cooperative,but she came around to work with the idea,and the idea was to BLOW UP THE CITY. You heard right. They were off to make the entire city population explode into a jumble of flames and dust. And to be perfectly honest,they were all enjoying it. The final four were spending a lot of time deciding where and how they would blow up the city. Balloon suggested that he could create a bomb,one strong enough to blow everything sky high. He admitted that it would take time,up to one hour. If the rest of the final four would protect him long enough, then everything would be fine.Before they started ,Cabby had the final four look at a file about possession? She said it was in case they failed. The heroes arrived where Balloon was making the big kaboom. "How? There was no way you could have followed us!" Fan asked. "Test Tube left a tracker on you before you brutally MURDERED her." Trophy stated. Fan gave Trophy a glare,then shot a gust of wind in all directions beside the ones that had his team residing in them. It sent everyone flying, except one. A small taco. This taco was a cut above the rest of the heroes,keeping up with Fan's wind,while dodging punches from Silver Spoon's golden form. She closed the distance between her and Fan and pulled out a taser. Fan smiled,knowing it would empower his lighting abilities. Until he realized it was bait,and she was coming for Balloon! Before she was able to tase Balloon,the hit was taken by Cabby,who then fell to the ground,unconscious. Silver Spoon had noticed this and attacked Taco,keeping her on the ropes and leaving the rest of the Heroes to Fan. Taco was struggling against the sheer might of Silver Spoon and his hate infested blows. Taco,running out of stamina and options,jumped back out of the way of the flurry,only to be shocked as she saw Silver Spoon jump ahead of him,straight to her. He continued the barrage of attacks until Taco was on the ground,defeated..or was she? Trophy appeared and knocked Silver Spoon away. He started fighting against him and managed to get in a couple blows until running to help the rest of his team with Fan's wind. Speaking of Fan,he was holding his own for a while against the rest of the heroes,Nickel,Baseball,Trophy, and suitcase. Until they started playing their cards right,and started ganging up on him.

Balloon's POV:

I was pretty close to finishing the bomb,I only needed five more minutes. "Guys! Back me up a little bit longer!" I yelled. Nickel started running at me,and Fan tried to stop him,but was tackled by Baseball. I couldn't stop making the bomb,so I just tried to dodge out of the way, but he made it to me too quickly and hugged me? He started crying and hugged me tighter? I didn't know what to do,so I hugged him back and tried to comfort him.

Nickel's POV:

"Shhhhh... It's gonna me okay,don't cry,ok?" Balloon said. Those moments of comfort were cut short by Silver Spoon yelling, "FOCUS ON THE BOMB!" Balloon seemed to remember that he wasn't a hero anymore and shoved me off and continued making the big kaboom." I tried to stop him,but I was stopped by a red phone? No,it was Mephone4s! The second is in command of the crime syndicate.

Mephone4s's POV:

I'm on orders from the brother to stop anyone who tries to harm this red guy. Don't exactly know why, but 4 said to leave after a few minutes. I protected him,like I was told, until the balloon yelled, "DONE." I sprinted away from them until I was back home with my brother,Mephone4.

Balloon's POV:

This is it! I will go down in the history books! This moment gives my entire life purpose! This moment is what I have been waiting for all this time,and it's finally here! I set off the bomb,and everything goes black. The boom happened. And everything is gone. Villainy won.Or, so we thought. Taco shielded most of the blow with her shell,blowing herself up to smithereens. I was straight out of everything,and my purple glowing was not working out for me. The area around us was mostly destroyed,but the city was fine. We failed,and I couldn't turn back anymore. Trophy started walking towards me,cuffs in hand. I accepted my fate because what else could I do? That bomb took everything I had,and I probably won't be able to use my powers again,or at least a long time. Silver Spoon was still up and running until Suitcase snuck up behind him with Taco's taser and shocked him. That had to be the strongest taser in the world. He went down like it was nothing. I fell unconscious soon after. I woke up in a prison cell. It's pretty fitting for what I did. I wonder if I'll get any visitors. Cabby somehow escaped,I hope she lives a good life. While I was thinking about how I'll get out of here,Nickel went into the room. "Hey Nickel." I said. "Why? What was the point of all of this?" He asked. "I wanted to be a good hero until you sent me out. I thought it was time for a change,and villainy is so much cooler than the stories make it sound like."

Nickel's POV:

So it was my fault? There's no changing it now. I did my best to help him, and I failed. I have to move on,even if it's hard. Balloon's the kindest guy I know,and it was hard seeing him slowly but surely become a little less sane. It was horrible. I wonder what the future holds for us all. My question was,what happened to Fan and Cabby?

(extra info Balloon came up with the idea to blow everything up)

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