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Nickel's POV:

Another day,another villain sighting or something stupid like that. I hate this job so much because of the fact that superheroes are like the cornerstone of the world at this point. I think I even have a work crush-NOPE. Don't think about him right now anyway.I try to push those thoughts deep down until Balloon comes into my room. "Uh,can't you knock?" I asked. "I don't know,can you stop being so annoyingly sarcastic?" Balloon responded. "Fair point." "Exactly."Hey Balloon?" I said."Yeah, Nickel?" He asked. "Thanks for helping me against Silver Spoon." UGH-IM SO DUMB! I TOLD HIM LIKE 5 DAYS AGO HE SHOULDN'T EXPECT THANKS OR APOLOGIES! IT DOESN'T HELP THAT HE'S SO CU-REPRESS THAT THOUGHT. "Are you okay? You've been staring at me like there's something eye-catching on me or something." Balloon exclaimed. "S-Sorry, I just blanked out." I told him. "Wow, you've said said sorry and thanks to me in a single day? What's next? Are you gonna tell me you like me?" Balloon chuckled. "Shut up." I told him. "Alright then, I'll just go on a walk,wanna come with me?" Balloon asked. "Maybe another time." I responded.

Balloon's POV:I went outside to take a walk before I heard some screaming, then I saw Silver Spoon and a paintbrush duking it out. It was close,but the gap between their skill was apparent when I started to see Silver Spoon dodge the paintbrush's attacks much more often than the brush did. "STAND STILL!" Paintbrush screamed. "No way! Just keep up, you idiot." Silver Spoon taunted. The brush started to have their bristles glow red before they exploded into flames. This caught Silver Spoon off guard and made him tank a pretty heavy hit. Silver started to glow yellow just like he did our fight. His green eyes manifested again. It then immediately became clear who was stronger when enraged. Silver Spoon dodged their punches with little to no effort and struck but with strength and efficiency. This process kept repeating until the winner was decided. And that winner was Silver Spoon. Paintbrush was on the ground, coughing from exhaustion. They then fell unconscious from the fight. A lightbulb ran to their side. "PAINTY!" The lightbulb screamed. It was so loud that even Silver covered his ears. "Will you keep it down?" The spoon asked before leaving. I quickly followed him. He noticed I was behind him and took a fighting stance. "Wait! I didn't come here to fight you!" I said. "Then why are you here?" He questioned. "To ask you why you didn't kill me when you tackled me to the ground." I told him. "Simple. I think you're a good chunk like me." He said. I was confused. "You have powers,I don't. What do you mean?" He laughed. "You think you don't have powers,all you need is a catalyst to unlock those powers."I would know, I only got my powers 6 months ago." I was shocked. "Maybe you're right." I told him. "If you can't find that catalyst yourself,you can join us." He said. "Us? I thought you worked alone." My partner is more low profile than I am." The spoon explained. "I'll think about it." I say and make my way back to base.

Nickel's POV:

Where did Balloon go? It's been an hour. What walk takes that long? I was getting worried that my crush-I mean work associate was gone for an hour until he just walked through the door. I screamed at him. "WHERE WERE YOU?" Balloon responded with,"I got lost. " I thought he was lying,but I decided to trust him. He went to his room and shut the door.

Balloon's POV:Should I join up with them? No- I'm a hero, right? I don't really help my group, and Nickel's always pretty mean to me,I mean, he's been nicer, but he's still pretty mean. It's all so confusing. I'll just write about it in my diary. "Oh well, I'll decide tomorrow." After I was about to sign off to my diary,my pencil broke. I didn't have a sharpener. I got really mad, and my hands stared to glow green, and a sharpener appeared. I need to talk to that spoon tomorrow.

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