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Fan's POV:

I was taken into the final three,which is now the final four,but that doesn't change the fact that I'm a villain now. The look in Test Tube's eyes might haunt me until I die. She looked so sad. It's too late to be reminiscent. I'm a villain, and that's final. And a villain is all I ever will be.

Test Tube POV:

Out of all the times to be a hero,he picked when the villain was losing? Fan has to be the biggest idiot I know! But I guess I didn't think he would switch sides like that. I miss him a lot. Wonder how Nickel's doing?

Nickel's POV:

I saw him. I watched as he was punched and battered and attacked. And I did nothing. That weighs on a personal level. I hope he's doing better than before, at least.

Balloon's POV:

I am having the worst day of my life, I just got my stomach ruptured,half my body torn apart, and I had to recover it all. Everything going on is annoying me on a whole new level. I really don't want to think about any of this right now,but I am, and I can't for the life of me explain why. I walked outside of the lair and tripped over the biggest rock I have ever seen. When I got up, I couldn't remember anything at all. The last thing I could remember was Nickel confessing to me. Why am I near an abandoned building? I'm gonna head back to base. When I made it there, everyone looked confused,a trophy even tried attacking me! Did I do something to him? I don't remember. I asked Nickel what was going on, and he told me I saw hanging out with some very bad people. Of course, I trusted him. Who would lie to their partners?

Fan's POV:

Wonder where Balloon went? I'll go looking for him,he always seems to get in terrible situations. As I was doing that, I got a notification message on Instagram about Balloon, and he was at his old superhero base? From what I heard it seemed like he had amnesia. We need to get him back to our side before he turns good again,if he does, villains will be working a lot harder out here in Meeple city. Odd name,everyone is well aware.

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