Chapter 36: Ragako

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Conny stared at the Titan while holding a small amount of torches. The emotions he felt were unlike anything he'd felt before. The fear in Trost wasn't even like this. He sincerely hoped there were survivors but the possibility seemed more bleak by the second. A feeling of dread washed over him as he considered the possibility that everyone in his village was dead.

Reiner: Conny! Any survivors?

Conny: No. It's all gone. My home has been destroyed!

Reiner clasped Conny's shoulder to comfort him, but it was short-lived as Gelgar and Lynn approached them.

Gelgar: Hey, something's wrong. Any bodies?

Conny shook his head no. 

Reiner: No.

Bertholdt: No, not yet.

Gelgar: But how is that even possible? Titans plow through this place and there's not a single drop of blood?

Lynn: They probably escaped. That's the only logical reason.

Conny: You think so?

Lynn: Yeah. How else would you explain the lack of carnage?

Gelgar(in mind): Not sure I agree with that. If they all escaped, why would the Titans rip empty houses apart? And the full stables, what's up with that?

Gelgar looked around for a bit, addressing the state of the village before speaking to the group.

Gelgar: Our new mission is to evaluate the state of the wall. Once that's done, we'll rendezvous with the others before relaying what we can back to HQ, got it?

Reiner: Understood sir.

Bertholdt: You got it.

Conny climbed on his horse, a solemn look on his face. He sincerely hoped his family had made it out alive. The thought of his parents and younger siblings meeting a grisly end like that was almost too much to bear.

???: Wel...come...home...

Conny: Huh?

Turning around, Conny tried to look for the source of the raspy feminine voice, but the Titan was the only thing there. Its mouth moved and a gust of air came out as the Titan breathed all the while staring at Conny, its gaze never once wavering.

Conny(in mind): Huh? Did that Titan just-

Reiner grasping Conny's shoulder jolted the boy out of his trance.

Reiner: Snap out of it. We're falling behind Gelgar and the others.

Conny: Did you hear that? I swear that Titan just-

Reiner: It was only your imagination. Titans cant talk. Now let's go unless you want to be stuck here alone!

-7 hours after the Titans were spotted-

Scout: The closer to the wall we get, the less populated the area will be. 

Nanaba: That's good. It didn't take us very long. We should head southward now.

Ymir: What's the point? I've never heard of any villages being out this far.

Nanaba: We've raised the alarm for everyone in the region. Now we pinpoint the breach. We'll ride along the western side until we find it.

Ymir: You know me and Krista don't have our ODM gear, right? We cant fight so you might as well just let us withdraw and head home.

Nanaba: Negative. If we do find the breach, we'll need someone to relay its location to HQ.

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