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sunny waited for the toast to pop-out of the toaster (hopefully not TO burnt)
while basil sat on the couch, sipping a small glass of water

basil had only cryed a-bit (define a bit)
but his throught felt like it was closing in on it's self

he took another sip out of the cup, it was now empty. he'll refill it later (maybe)

turning his head up to look at the TV, there was some magical girl show on and he was to lazy to turn it to a diffrent channel

sunny walk up with a plate of-
burnt toast...?

"here..." sunny said quietly handing him the plate, as he peered at the tv
basil took the plate of burnt toast with squares of butter on them..

"sunny that's a lot of butter..."


sunny took one of the square pieces of butter and took a bite out of it and put the remainder back on the toast

"wha-" basil stared in confution

"I didn't know you liked this stuff..."
sunny peered back again at the tv

on the tv showed a girl running to school she had long blonde hair, you would wonder how she never tripped over it

"I'm not, I just didn't feel like changing it"
basil awnsered him

"hm" sunny gave a hum and slight nod at he sat down to watch the tv too

may it sound weird but
basil always found Sunny's small hums kinda cut- wait what?

"aren't you gonna eat some toast sunny?"

"mn nm" sunny hummed no as he shook his head

"just 1 peice of toast..?"


sunny took a bite out of basils burnt toast

"oh com'on at least eat the whole thing." "(you even took a nibble of my butter!)" 
basil squealed

"no" sunny replyed

basil tryed giving the toast to sunny, pushing the toast against his closed mouth but to no avail

"ugh sunny...."
"just eat it."

"no" sunny said again

basil sighed at sunny and ate the rest of the toast *num num num*
you know.. even if the toast was half aten by someone else and burnt, it tasted pretty good..


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