16 1 4

sunny woke up the next morning to see-


basil was slumped asleep on one of the
(dining tables) chairs..

(the one on the top left to be correct)

a mug full of cold tea Infront of him
along with the kettle witch was still warm dew the almost burned out tea light..

sunny slid the chair now having access to basil, lifting him into his arms and walked to the couch

setting basil down
his head-resting on Sunny's lap
as a blanket was placed over them

sunny was going to take him to his room, but.. sunny overestimated his own strength.
I guess that's what happens when you do nothing but sleep for 4 years-.. hm..

sunny turned on the tv and watched whatever was on, it was the same time as yesterday day... the same magical girl show was on

the girl had met a short blue haired girl
and she had won a pen at an arcade..

hm.. what a show..

sunny continued to consume the tv as basil slightly snuggled-into sunny pulling the blanket over himself more with a small groan

it was pretty light outside so it was a little suprising basil was still asleep


it has been a-while after and as basil slowly opened his eyes, to see sunny above him..?
basil realised he was laying on Sunny's lap, as he blushed a-bit

though he was to tired to get up so he just layed there.. it was warm and comfy

the last he remembered was drinking tea at the table.. howed he get over here?
did sunny put him here? or did he sleep-walk..? basil questioned himself in his head

but what did it matter, he was in Sunny's lap

as Sunny's hand played with his hair
twisting it in-between his fingers

basils hair was fluffy and soft
he must use alot of condiner..

unlike sunny.. he's only now getting better at showering regularly.. let alone washing his hair..



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