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Clearsight lay on her deathbed seeming peaceful and undisturbed to anyone watching her. 

However the inside of her mind was in turmoil that was compatible to a raging hurricane. Clearsight knew that she has minutes or even phrehaps seconds to live before her spirit was taken. And knowing so she used the last of her power her old feeble mind racing as far as she could into the future, her very last vision ever. 

The nightwings moving to a island,promised by dear listener a safe home away from darkstalker. 

The island exploding and the nightwings suffering in smoke and drudgery, too scared to move elsewere in the fear of Darkstalker finding them. 

The war, then bowing down to a rainwing queen.

 Then, Clearsight's slowly weakening heart gave a jolt, then Darkstalker returning, the nightwings following, but then. 

Then he was stopped by a quintet of dragonets. Clearsight strained her mind as hard as she could, then she saw, one of the litte dragonets that stopped darkstalker, the small nightwing one that looked so much like her when she had been a dragonet. The small dragonet going back from her beloved Pantala after a quest to save the world, the last wisps of the green smoke fron the burnt plant spearing into her mind. 

THE CURE! THE CURE !HOW DO I SAVE HER, clearsight's mind screamed then whith the last of her life and small twiches in her dying nerves she scratched the words into her book and fell still. 

The hivewing that had been watching her at her side called out as she saw that clearsight's life had ended and hundreds of hivewings poured in cries of sorrow and disbelief. A large angry hivewing stepped forward snatched the book of clearsight away and marched to the front, beggining a big speech about clearsight. the hivewings weeped and listened intently as clearsight was put into a coffin and sent away.

Nobody noticed the few words scratched into the paper.

And nobody knew what they meant.

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