chapter two

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Winter woke to someone yelling into his ears, specifically a loud scruffy sandwing that smelled like fried scorpions and cactus milk. Qibli,he realised all the thoughts from last night crowding back. "Let's go! prince sleepyhead!" he heard qibli shout, Alright pull yourself together winter.

He got out of bed and ushered Qibli out, stretching his shiny pearlesent wings. As soon as they got out of the cave Qibli struck up a conversation while casually waving to some sandwings he probably knew. "Did you sleep well last night?" said qibli curiously studying Winter's face, " the dark circles under your eyes make you look like a panda". 

They do?, Winter thought self-conciously, well I am pretty tired I feel like I used to after dragonet battle testing back in the ice kingdom, Winter winced, the words 'ice kingdom' brought back an uncomfortable wave of biting remarks and scoldings from his parents.

No winter!, he thought to himself, Let the past be the past, don't get caught up in it, stay in the present, He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind where he knew that they would come back out to haunt him later. He then became aware that Qibli was studying his face, awaiting his answer,I spent way too much time thinking, he realized, "I'm fine!" he snapped setting his facial expression to I'm-scowling-and-intimidating-and-do-not-talk-to-me, He walked a bit faster to get away from Qibli, setting course for the prey center.

The prey center even after a whole year to refurnish was still chaos and pandonium, in fact the rainwings who were eating fruit istead of running after terrified chickens and agitated seals were probably the most dignified of the lot. Wow mother would LOVE to hear that. Rainwings, where did that lead? probably five broken ribs and broken eardrums. 

A large happy rainbow suddenly smacked into winter like a full grown humpback whale. Alright i take back what i said about rainwings being the most dignified dragons here, yet he could not resist shouting out in a delighted voice "kinkajou!". 

" THREE MOONS! winter! you're so tall now! and still super cold! and you're back! you're also not threatening everybody's face off!", Winter grinned, Kinkajou was still the same, sure she was taller and she seemed to prefer some green scales too but other than that her personality was still as bubbly as a seal pup's. "Come on! they made some small boxes of exotic csupinish or whatever sent by some queens, you should go get some before they run out. I mean the rainwing box is obviously the most colorful and the best by far in MY opinion, but you might prefer the icewing one." Winter tuned out the little rainwing's blabbing for a bit, although he was absolutely ecstatic about seeing his friends again he still needed to adjust to kinkajou talking at him.

"Oh and the rest of the winglet is over at that table" Kinkajou yammered on, "andddd" a sly look came on to the rainwing's bright snout, "you can go see moooooon again".

  Moon! his heart skipped a beat,how is moon going to feel about me liking qibli? But then again it will be fun to see her again. Then Winter noticed moon's sleek black figure at a table, Moon, he thought he felt like something was off though, he realised his heart didn't pound funiously anymore when he saw her, he also didn't see her glowing like the center of the universe anymore. 

That was part of it Winter was sure but there was something else he couldn't quite but his claw on. "Goooooo oooooon" smirked kinkajou, then her face dropped to a serious worried look he hadn't seen her wear before, "Winter i have to warn you Moon has been acting really weird lately, she seems normal sometimes but other times her eyes go all glowy and she seems like her brain is on another moon". Kinkajou frowned"At first i thought she was having more VISIONS but then i realised that it WASN'T her vision face, then whenever i talked to her about it she said she didn't know what i was talking about". This was the first time winter had ever seen Kinkajou look so somber, then on cue kinkajou grinned again and said, "alright i've been talking way too much, just go before i start talking again!". Winter thanked her and walked over to the table whith her.

The fist thing winter noticed was that Moon seemed to straighten up as he was approaching, just like when she senses another dragon's mind, he realised, his brow crinkling slightly. "Moon!" Winter called out, snap out of it winter! she wouldn't betray you like that.  Moon turned around smiling ecstatically, she didn't seem any different fron the moon he remembered. "Where's turtle? is he still around or did he carry out his plan to mope by the sea and write scrolls early?" asked Winter trying to sound casual, then he realised he didn't need to act casual, he was absolutely relaxed in front of moon now. 

Well,thought Winter as kinkajou and moon explained that Turtle was coming tomorrow, at least one good thing came out of my sort-of crush on qibli.

So Winter just relaxed in a way he had never been allowed to in the ice kingdom, he just talked and laughed as he waited for the lessons begin.

A/N: hello i wrote way too much this time but i definently blew past my writer's block that i had when i was writing the prolouge and now we're just slinging out chapters.

Thanks for reading this long cappy piece of writing :), chapter 3 coming soon.

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