Chapter one

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Winter woke up in his small hut in sanctuary, he woke to the sound of the small brown sparrows sitting on his window sill having a chirpfest.

 Winter speared one whith his claws, sending the rest darting to another perch. There was no more chirping. He ate the sparrow and then slumped onto his doona sipping a cup of tea and idly watching the crisp autunm leaves falling outside his window.

 Then a loud familliar voice rang from the door accompanied by several loud bashings on the door "WINTER! Winter! GET UP GET OUT AND STINKIN GET YOUR ICY TAIL OUT OF THE DOOR! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE! AND IF YOU'RE LATE TSUNAMI IS GOING TO KILL ME AND YOU AND PROBABLY BLOW UP JADE MOUNTAIN!!". Winter strode to the door where qibli was still animatedly talking and rapping on the door like a hyperenergetic drummer. "Three MOONS-", winter began flinging open the door and sticking his face outside, only to be met by qibli rapping on his face, apparently not realising that the door was no longer there. Then qibli's eyes widened and he quickly whithdrew his talon muttering apologies at the ground. Then as if though to cover his embarrasment he started yelling again"um, right LETS GO BACK TO JADE MOUNTAIN ACADEMY". Then, before Winter could protest Qibli grabbed his talon and bolted up to the skies while dragging himself and winter through a thin canopy of autumn leaves and earning several angry chitters from various chipmunks and birds. 

Qibli was dragging him through the air so fast that it was all winter could do to spread his wings to stay aloft, meanwhile his mind was buzzing whith indignant thoughts, I didnt know that i was still enrolled into Jade mountain, to why the heck is QIBLI of all dragons actually bothering to tell me that i have to go? 

When they finally landed Winter became suddenly conscious of the fact that he was holding Qibli's talon. He didn't know why his face went warm suddenly, nor did he know why he didn't really mind, WINTER! what in the moons are you thinking? , he scolded himself silently you are not going to have a crush on this moonsforsaken sandwing! Honestly winter first you like a nightwing and disgrace yourself, now you like a sandwing and disgrace your  family! this is a new low. He tried to quickly remove his talon whithout Qibli noticing, However when Qibli was Qibli this was, needlessly to say, impossible. Qibli noticed at once and flashed a dazzling smile before letting winter go. Flushing like a blueberry, and noting qibli was also rather red he bolted to his cave to leave the embarrasment behind. 

When he reached his cave he flopped onto his ice shelf and let his thoughts consume him as he always did when he was confused, it was his best and only coping solution.

  Why, Why, Why! How did i suddenly fall in love whith qibli? I thought i loved moon, and that was bad enough. Pathetic, smirked his sister's voice in his head, then it snarled ,Mother always said you weren't as smart or strong as hailstorm!    Winter curled up even more his mucsles tensing under his pearl-like scales, I can't belive that you like a sandwing! his dead father's voice rang in his head, his voice frozen over whith contempt and scorn, And a male at that! his mother added her, cold voice reflecting and glaring back and forth in his mind, it made him not able to think clearly and it made his head hurt. You don't love me anymore?!, Moon's voice sobbed in his head, you would betray my love like that? Then worst of all, adding to the din was Qibli's words laughing and cruel, Did you really think that YOU could possibly be good enough for me? That you the cold stuck up icewing could ever be worth me the stunning cheerful sandwing that won your precious moon's heart? These voices reflected and jeered at winter in his head darting and flashing like light on shining glaciers, ("Just like moon said" winter realised later on " when she told me what it was like in my mind was 'bright glary and reflective'")

Slowly Winter sank into a fitful sleep,head burried deep in dreams of tall shadowy figures telling him how useless and disgraceful he was. 

So deep he didn't notice a slender black talon reach into his wolfskin pouch around his wrist.

A/N: wow i wrote way more than i thought i would on this chapter, i will update as much as i can but like :[] school,tests, selective tests (the last one is the bane of my existence) Anyway hope ya liked the first chapter :D

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