chapter 4

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Qibli was sitting in the healing bay whith something cold resting on his face, namedly that "something cold" was winter.

 Since no other icewings wanted to, including winter, tsunami had said it was winter's responsiblility because he was the one who punched Qibli. Qibli didn't mind, it was actually way better than a slab of ice. The only down side was that winter was BLUSHING SO HARD, the warmth from his scales kind of ruined the winter-as-an-ice-pack thing. Qibli had thought that if he struck up conversation the whole thing might be less awkward, but Winter was pointedly NOT making eye contact. Annoying!, if you hadn't irrationally PUNCHED me for no moonlicking-camelpicking reason then you WOULDNT BE DOING THIS. But then again it was maybeeee his fault for painting stupid pictures. AArrrrhggg qibli you moonsblasted ninny! Winter is obviously still super unstable about judgement! and you have to develop a crush for him to deal whith now? Wow qibli you are such a good dragon.

Qibli shifted uncomfortably, HOW was he supposed to end this extremely awkward awkwardness? He racked his brains, then his answer hame peeking from the doorand rushing in. It also came in looking like a hyperenergetic rainbow. "hey Qibli I came to check you were okay after- WOAH" Kinkajou seemed to start radiating light "oh my moons! wait till i tell moon! you guys look so cute together!" she cackled. " I'm totally telling moon!"she bounded out purple and green all over.

Gah! kinkajou! have you seiriously not noticed that moon has been acting super weird lately! she can't be trusted whith any imformation randomly UNTIL WE FIGURE HER OUT, especially not that her alleged boyfriend is not in love whith her! Qibli sighed whith exasperation, he had to get winter out of here so that he didn't ruin his day more. "Winter?" he said to the icewing who was now looking a tiiiiiiiiny bit angry again, "Winter, go to the prey center or something, i'll go to my cave so that we have an alibi, alright? I know you don't want to talk about it so I'm just gonna give you a chance to go alright?" Winter grumbled what might have been thanks and bolted out of the cave whithout even looking at Qibli, hrmph that's just fine! go be an absolute grouch to me after i helped you. 

Qibli skidded out and headed to his cave, he hoped he could reach it before kinkajou told moon. Moon was definently NOT acting normal and could be prone to attack, Qibli had seen that her muscles were perpetually tensed this term, like she was a bomb waiting to go off. He had also noticed there was a strange green sheen over her eyes that reminded him of something else, yet he couldn't quite place his claw on it. See that was the problem whith having a mind like a river, sometimes thoughts are like fish in the river and keep coming and going so fast that you can't catch them, this had been useful back when he was living in the scorpion den whith Queen thorn and the outclaws, especially when he needed to quickly sweep memories of his grandfather and his family away.

He raced to his cave but when he entered he saw a faint green glow meet his eyes, that was when he knew he was too late. Moonwatcher was standing in his cave emanating a sharp green menace.

A/N: hi! sorry for taking so long to update. i know it's a short chapter but this one was not planned and i was working on limited time. Finally writing from Qibli's pov tho the reason the first three chapters were winter's pov was because i originally started planning at school but then i gave up. then i got a wattpad account and i was like, let's try this again and started writing. But the ONE chapter i wrote was actuall wayyyyyy too much for one wattpad chapter because i stretched it and ended up whith like 890 words or something so i had to break it up into three chapters. I originally planned to do Qibli's pov in the SECOND chapter. Anyways hope ya liked it!

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