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Grim reaper! Reader + Helen Otis



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Being the grim reaper is a… strange job. Having to take souls to where they believe they'll go. Since you've been living a while, human beliefs have changed throughout the years. Humans just confuse you.

But some disgust you. Most disgust you. Children are probably the only type of humans you don't really hate, but even then some kids can be spawns of the biblical devil.

A lot of humans choose to not go immediately, wanting to sit and look through their lives and all the memories they've made. It was pitiful.

Watching them get emotional of all the good and bad that had happened in their lives. You shouldn't care though. You were just the guide to the after life.

You had little Grim Reapers, to help you guide since you obviously couldn't send the billions of lives off the planet to their next life. Your job was pretty interesting.

But the legends people have of you are silly. You aren't a skeleton, you just appear as such to others. In reality, you're just you. You are death. A void. As most people see you as a skeleton, some see you as a person. A person they missed, or a person they've dreamed off.

A person had recently died, the cause of death was falling from a high height. Poor kid. He was about fifteen, sixteen. You look over his form, he was in the hospital and about to die.

He knew he was about to die.

Helen Otis, victim of bullying and after the death of his supposed friend, he fell from the same rooftop as his friend and took his own life. He only had a slim chance of surviving. Tragic.

He finally took his last breath. His family beside him weeped, his mother and father weeded. Even after what they caused in his childhood. His soul left his body.

The soul was an interesting topic to humans, not to you. It was just the person, like a ghost. Nobody can see them, except from you and themselves. He looked at you, he knew he was dead.

He didn't particularly believe in anything. He was still young after all. Your surroundings darkened as you stared at the boy. “Where do you wish to go?” He stared at you, he looked melancholic. It was subtle but it was still there.

You could see what could've happened if he survived. He would've been a killer, but a painter. Using the deaths of others as artwork.

“I want to just go.” He stated. Nothing more. He just wanted rest. You nod, before leaving the void.

The void is peaceful, you don't think there. Nothing happens. What atheists think happens after death, just Eternal darkness. No heaven, no hell, no reincarnation.

Just dark.

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Hey yall!!!! 🤑

Tried angst i think, did it work???

Anyways, a little bit of young Helen if he didn't become a Murderous artist 😋

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