576 14 4

You were standing outside of Toby’s room. He wanted to talk to you face to face, a reason only he knows. Everyone decided to go for some ‘road trip’, maybe a few of them were out for other reasons. But noone else was in the mansion other than you and Toby.

You pulled out your phone, before you were suddenly dragged inside of the brunette boy’s room thus causing you to accidentally drop your phone. You raise a brow, then your eyes widen as you feel firm arms wrapped around you with the occasional tic.

“Uhh, Toby?”

“I’m so so sorry.” He sobbed into your shoulder. You froze. What are you meant to do? He’s crying. Is it your fault? You hesitantly put your hands on his back, rubbing soothing circles.

“It’s fine-,”

“Are- Are you sure? Are you gonna leave me? I’m so, fucking, sorry.” His arms tightened around you. Why was he acting like this?

“Toby. I promise you I’m not going anywhere. I forgive you.”

You don’t even remember what he did wrong.

He loosened his hold. He lifted his head, giving you access to reach your hand out and wipe his tears. You didn't touch the snot running out his nose though. He put his hand over yours and he moved it to his lips. He kissed it softly. “You’re the be-best person to have ever co-come in my life.” He spoke against your palm. He looked at you.

The sight was funny with the little trail of mucus right below his right nostril. You smirked slightly, pointing at his face. He let go of your hand and cocked his eyebrow. He touched his nose with his sleeve lightly. His face flushed at his realisation. He rushed to get tissues.


“Yknow, I never expected you to be a little spoon.”

Toby had his head to the crook of your neck and your hand playing with his hair. He let out a content sigh. “I love you.”

“I know you do.”

He lifted his head to meet your eyes, he looked grateful. You beamed at him, giving him a small peck on his forehead.

You swear that you could see stars in his eyes. Before you knew it, he was peppering you with kisses. You didn't protest though. You chuckled, placing your hands on his cheeks causing him to pause.

“You're so cute.”

Words can't describe how red he became. Especially when he is as pale as he is. His face was as red as a rose. He positioned his hands right under your jaw. “Can I?” He glanced down at your lips.

You smirked, “Can you what?” You tilt your head. He pouted.

“You know what I want. Please?” He whined.

“C'mon, be specific. What do you want?” You teased. He pursed his lips in a thin line.

“You're really gonna make me say exactly what I want?” You nod. “It's gonna sound corny-”




Toby was not gonna let that slide. Let what slide, you ask? That you only pecked his lips. He wanted much more, and he took that little bit of contact as permission.

His lips crashed onto yours, his hands intertwining with the hair that rested at the back of your head. He pulled you closer, suckling at your lips. Of course you reciprocate, but he took that as a competition of passion. He smirked against your lips, slightly pulling away.

He opened his eyes as you did the same. “You have n-no idea hhhh-how bad I waa-want you.” He muttered before moving back in for another smooch.

“Are you two having sex?”



“(Y/N).” Toby squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Why did you order a living bob-boss baby do-doll?” He didn't even sound angry. Just disappointed.

“I thought it looked neat…”

“The guy looks like what chemicals smell like.” He quickly shut up your previous statement.

“Goo goo ga ga-”

“Shut the f-ffffuck up Tommy Pickles.”

The doll pouted. Toby took a deep inhale before turning to you, “Can we just keep making out? Without the alien spawn in the room.”

You pick up the living doll. “It could be our kid.” You suggest.

Toby thought for a while. He shrugged. “I mean sure but, shit, you don't really ssss-scream ‘mother energy’. And I don't think I'm the - the greatest dad. But if you really want.”

You grin. Which he found adorable.
Everything you did was adorable.

Your smile, your eyes, your little mannerism, everything about you. He was mesmerised. He always dreamed about being close to you. Dreamed of being sat in the woods at night, stargazing together. Where the two of you are holding hands, as he'd tell you how the stars in the dark night sky are no comparison to you being in his life.

“Uh, Toby. The baby threw up… on you.”

He looked down at his clothes, then looked at the doll - who was staring at him with those innocent eyes.
Then he grabbed the doll by the head and threw it against a wall.


The end!! :D

Anyways I've already reach 2k so I had the special ready. It should be coming out in a few minutes. The 3k special is gonna be abt Jeff since you guys requested him. Idk what to do for the 5k spec tho 😭

Sorry this is short, it's a bit rushed and I was running out of ideas, might make a part two and boss baby doll did not die ‼️‼️

These __k special stories aren't cannon to the actual fic

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