Chapter Fourteen

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Another mission. You haven't gone on one in weeks. At least not alone. Slender didn't give you a photo, and he was strict on the rule of not removing the face mask you wore. It was the dead of night though? It wouldn't hurt. But you knew he'll find out so you'll listen.

Although he didn't give you a photo, he did give you a location. A house situated in a nearby Town centre. Nobody was out, since it was basically midnight. You sigh, it felt so boring. And your legs hurt.

You stopped at a park, sitting down and resting your eyes. You'll get up soon, you'll just relax for a bit.


"That was fun, wasn't it?" Alex leaned against Milo's arm with their hands intertwined together. Milo nodded, but his mind was somewhere else. You. He misses you. You were his best friend. And for all you know, you could be in a different country. All he wants is for you to be alive. 

Alex looked at the boy with worry. "I know you miss her, but it's been years. The police dropped her case a while ago." Alex comforted him. Milo exhaled deeply. The two stopped to rest their legs at a bench. They talked about their lives, telling each other jokes. 

Milo's hazel eyes drifted to a bench nearby. A girl. (H/C) hair. A mask covering her face, and sleeping on the bench. He nudged the boy next to him, signally to the mystery person. The couple exchanged a concerned frown. They got up and approached her.


You slowly open your eyes, a silhouette of two people standing in front of you before your vision becomes clear. A tan-ish boy with brown hair, white highlights, green eyes. Another boy with Hazel eyes and black hair. You narrow your eyes, examining them further. 

"Are you okay?" The black haired boy questioned. You slowly nod. "Do you have a home?" You shake your head. The two look at each other for a minute before looking right back at you. 

The green eyed boy then asked the other. "Should we take them home? They look sickly..." You stood to your feet. They looked familiar. Of course, you couldn't put your finger on it. But the fact you couldn't remember it irked you. 

You silently stood up and walked away. You got odd looks, but the two whispered to each other. You were long gone, already making your way back to the mansion.

You feel like you were forgetting something... oh well! You opened the front door, seeing Grinny waiting patiently. He meowed lowly. You close the door behind you, removed your mask and went to the kitchen to get him some unnamed meat. 

You go to the living room after feeding Grinny. Ben, Shadow Link, Lost Silver And a few others were sat on the couch. You forgot that there's way too many people living under this mansion's roof.

Lost Silver was the first to see you, everyone else was distracted by the game they were playing. "Oh, (Y/N)? You're back already?" Ben querked at the mention of your name and turned to look at you, not caring that he had just been killed. 

His face lit up entirely. Like a light bulb. You thought it was funny. "(Y/N), come here! We're playing Smash Bros!" He invited you, bugging up so there's some space between you and a sonic look-a-like. Obviously you took the invitation. You got stared at. By every single one of them. Ben slung an arm around your shoulder. "How about you be Peach and I'll be Mario?" He grinned slyly.

Shadow Link narrowed his eyes but stayed quiet. Someone who was a literal shadow silhouette of Link was glancing at you, "She's your gal? I thought women were allergic to you." The shadow snickered, a few others joining to.

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