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You hear faint voices around you. One belongs to exeller, one belongs to someone else.

The conversation seems rather important.

You however, don't know where your are or what happened. You passed out, and now your here. Awake.

The voices seem like their outside the room. Faint sounds of Walking, mostlikely of someone pacing are heard.

"So, the highest Attempts are getting more Frequent, Correct?"

"Yeah. They just recently Found our separate location, mostlikely an hour or two ago."

"God Damn It... Is everyone Alright?"

"Yeah, The Mortal has a few wounds, but-"


The pacing stops, as exellers Voice silences. It's hard to tell if the other person Dislikes the fact that there's a Mortal, or not.


"We are suppose to Demonize them, Exeller."

"The thing is, Ya kinda can't Demonize this one.."

"Hm? Care to elaborate?"

"Their a Human."

The voices fully fade, so you can't listen in more than you already have.

You hesitantly open your eyes, and take in your surroundings.

The room is red, the floor a dark wood. Your sitting on a medical bed, in a corner.

Your whole body feels sore, and your arms and legs are bandaged slightly.. Huh. So that's what exeller ment by 'Few Wounds.'

But what intrigued you the most was the new voice. It wasn't like exellers, more deeper pitched and demonic. You murmured to yourself.

"Jesus christ..."

"Ah, So You Are Awake."

You freeze at the voice, and look to your side. There's another hedgehog looking thing. However, this one seemed... different?

His eyes, or well, eye kept blinking rapidly. He had greenish blue colored fur, and pale skin. He wore gloves like exeller, and the same shoes. However, instead of being on the ground, he levitated slightly.

The only difference was no eye blood, only one eye, and the fur color.

"Please, there's no need to panic. Master Asked me to tend your wounds, If you haven't noticed."


You stay silent for a moment, before nodding your head in response. They didn't seem that threatening.

So you finally spoke up to them.

"Thank You."

"May I ask for Your Name?"

"Its Y/n. Yours..?"


You nod your head in acknowledgement. This one seemed to act more formal, and compared to exellers attitude, respectful.

[ᐥ𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢ᐥ] 『SONIC.EXE X READER』Where stories live. Discover now