14 - we get physco analyzed by Kayla's ex bf

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Grayson's pov

Slatter let us into the house. Despite Lena's death stares he maintained a straight face which was impressive enough.

"Drink?" He asked, walking over to the bar they had in the corner of the living room.

We all exchanged glances and then shook our heads.

He poured himself a whiskey and sat down on the couch opposite all of us.

"So," he sipped his drink. "What you wanna know?"

Luke looked at him grimly.

Slatter chuckled.

"Same Luke and Lena huh? Y'know Kayla can protect herself just fine, she's no innocent bystander who watches the crime and reports it to the cops," his smirk widened. "She's the killer,"

He turned to look at Luke and Lena.

"And as you two might remember I used to be her partner in crime."

They both said nothing.

Slatter got up.

"To summarise, you hate me cause I beat you up when I was drunk once," He said to Luke. "You hate me cause well... actually Lena I've never really given you a reason to hate me I was perfectly nice to you."

Lena rolled her eyes.

"You've given me plenty a reason!"

"Oh yeah, like?"

She opened her mouth and then closed it.

"Exactly," He pointed to me. "You hate me because you're the new boyfriend and well, you're Grayson Hawthorne you hate most people."

Couldn't disagree to that.

"And you," he spun on his heels to turn to Isaac. "I don't know who the fuck you are but you're looking at me like I ate a KitKat in front of you and didn't give you a piece."

Isaac looked mildly offended, as if to say "Wtf do you mean of course I'd give you a piece."

Matthias finally flopped down onto the couch and smiled.

"So I'll ask again, what do you wanna know?"

I pulled up the text messages and showed him.

"You think I'd say that?" He scoffed. "Why cause I was a fucking criminal?"

We all stayed silent.

"Like I said," he turned to me. "Your girlfriend isn't innocent either. Maybe you wanna asked her about all that shit."

And soon enough we were outside Slatter's door wishing for a Time Machine to re-do the evening.

"Can't Buy Me Love" [3] G. HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now