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CLINT WOKE Annabeth up at four the next morning, just like he had said he would. He let the blonde change and pack her things up, before the two got into Clint's small, blue Honda. He had stacked the car with as many snacks as he could and Annabeth crawled into the passenger seat, laying the seat all the way down and rolling herself over, curling up into a ball and shutting her eyes.

Clint only smiled softly before starting the twelve hour drive.

Around ten a.m, about five and a half hours into the drive, Annabeth sat herself up, rubbing the sleep from her blue eyes as her hand reached out and grabbed a bag of goldfish, practically inhaling the entire thing in two minutes.

"Did you sleep well," Clint questioned, glancing over at the blonde who merely nodded, opening another bag of goldfish and starting to eat it.

"Can I drive," Annabeth asked once she had finished the bag of goldfish she had been eating.

"Absolutely not," Clint responded. "I've heard about how fast you drive and I'm afraid this old girl won't make it if you drive her."

"Rude," Annabeth muttered, sulking in her seat.

Rolling his eyes, Clint decided to try and get some information out of the girl. He didn't know much about her besides what was on her file, and even that didn't have much for him to go off of. He knew that Tony was a very private person and he was getting the vibe that Annabeth was as well.

"So," Clint said as nonchalantly as he could, yet it didn't seem nonchalant enough because Annabeth turned to look at him with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out what he wanted from her when she had just woken up. "When's the last time you saw Tony?"

Annabeth stared at him a moment longer before replying, albeit slightly reluctantly. "Three years ago."

"Why haven't you seen him since?"

"What's with the twenty questions," Annabeth fired back.

"That was two questions, and I'm just trying to get to know you better. You spent a week with my family and yet I don't know anything about what you're doing for S.H.I.E.L.D. and I don't know anything about you other than what I can find online, and even that isn't much. You seem to stay more out of the public eye than your brother."

"My brother's a self centered dickhead," Annabeth said, her tone hostile. "And I haven't seen him in three years because of how big of a self centered dickhead he is."

"Wow," Clint said, nodding, slightly uncomfortable despite the fact that he was the one who had brought it up.

"I'm sorry," Annabeth said a minute later, her voice softer. "I just don't like talking about it. Tony and I- we just- we don't get along the best. He tries to control everything I do despite the fact I'm an adult."

"I understand," Clint said, his voice just as soft as hers.

"You haven't really even told me where we're going," Annabeth noted, raising her eyebrow at the archer who seemed to shrink back into his seat slightly, like he was worried about what Annabeth would do the minute she found out. "Clinton Francis Barton, you tell me right this instant where we are going," she said, her eyes narrowed on him.

"The Avengers Compound," he replied sheepishly.

A moment later the two were on the side of the highway, Annabeth having grabbed the steering wheel and forcing the car onto the shoulder, nearly sending them into a cliffside.

"Absolutely not."


"No. I don't want to hear it Clitoris."

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 - 𝐁. 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now