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                  "DO YOU think we should wake her up?"

Dark blue.

"I think she'll kill you if you wake her up."

Dark purple.

"Well she's been sleeping for thirty three hours!"

Dark blue again.

"If you wake her up, I'm going to kill you both. She hasn't slept this long in... ever. She needs the rest."

Soft red.

"What if she's dead!"

Dark blue.

Annabeth let out an annoyed groan as she rolled over, the cool floor beneath her felt nice against her hot skin. Peeling her eyes open, she glared up at Tony, Sam and Clint, eyes narrowed at them.

"If you three don't shut the fuck up I'm going to stuff you like a chicken and roast you until you're nothing but ash."

"Damn that's harsh, Beth," Sam said, pouting down at her.

So he had the dark blue voice. It wasn't like Steve's sky blue; it was like a dusk blue right before the sun set completely where the sky faded into a dark blue before going to a black starry night sky.

"You've been asleep thirty-three hours, Annie," Tony said softly, kneeling down to be at his sister's level as Annabeth sat up, pulling her blonde hair into a bun, ignoring the tangles.

"Okay and?"

"I don't think you've slept longer than thirty-three hours in the past week and a half you've lived here," Clint said.

"Well I just did," Annabeth snarked, glaring at the archer. "Now go away, I want to go back to sleep, I was dreaming that I was getting railed by a-"

"I do not want to hear the rest of that sentence," Tony said, eyes wide as he looked at his baby sister.

"Oh I do," Sam said, a smirk on his face, only earning a slap on the back of his head from Tony, the color coming out a light purple in Annabeth's eyes as she laid back down on the floor and closed her eyes.

"Come on," Clint said, walking over to the blonde and looking down at her. "I know you're hungry and Natasha made pancakes."

Annabeth peeled her eyes open, peering up at Clint with a small smirk on her lips. "Are they chocolate chip?"

Nodding, Clint held his hand out for Annabeth to take, peeling her up from the floor with a grunt, only earning a huff and a glare from the blonde.

"I am not that heavy," she pouts and Clint snorts as the three men walk with her out to the elevator.

"You haven't felt yourself since the serum then."

"Are you calling me fat!? Because if anyone's fat here, it's you!" Annabeth shoved her finger into Clint's chest, causing him to stumble backwards into Sam with the force of her poke, only to be pushed forwards again by the man.

"I am not fat!"

"Are too," Tony and Sam echo and the archer just sends his two teammates a glare as they all get into the elevator.

Tony's eyes land on his baby sister who was leaning against the wall of the elevator a little more than she normally would be, her eyes drooping slightly.

"You alright, Annie," he questions, eyebrows drawn slightly in concern.

"I'm fine." Her response was mumbled as she tried to stifle a yawn, walking off the elevator with the boys and plopping herself down on a kitchen bar stool next to Wanda who was happily munching on delicious smelling chocolate chip pancakes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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