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"DONT FUCKING touch the tape," Annabeth snarled, glaring at her brother as he tried to cross the duct-tape line she had made throughout the entire lab.

"I need something from that side," Tony said, glaring at his sister.

"I don't fucking care," Annabeth snapped back. "This is my side, that's yours. Stick to it."

It had been an hour since Annabeth had come up from the main floor with her coffee, and in that hour she and Tony had had a screaming argument about where Annabeth wanted to work, Annabeth had grabbed a roll of duct tape and made a line throughout the lab signifying her side and Tony's side, and she had chucked a wrench at his head which he had dodged and then chucked back at her, knocking her coffee over, creating yet another screaming fight that they had finished five minutes ago.

It had resulted in Tony making his way down to the main floor and getting her a new cup of coffee, which he had wanted to taint with pepper, but knew if he did he was dead. He had also promised Fury he would try and make it work between the two of them.

"But I need the fucking printer," Tony snapped back.

"Who the fuck prints things now," Annabeth questioned, obvious distaste to her tone. "What are you, a fucking first grader who needs to a print a piece of paper for his art project?"

"Would you just grab the piece of paper for me then," Tony snarled, glaring at his younger sister who was being incredibly aggravating.

"Fine," Annabeth snapped, standing up from where she was working and grabbing the piece of paper from the printer.

She walked right up to the duct tape line before holding the piece of paper up and ripping it right in front of Tony's face.

"You're such a bitch," Tony snapped, glaring at his younger sister.

"Yup," Annabeth said, popping the 'p' before turning on her heel and letting the pieces of paper flutter to the ground.

She sat back down at her bench, focusing on the folders in front of her that she had inherited from her father. She was reading over all of the information from her father's work with the super soldier serum once again to try and figure out what she had done wrong in her first batch of the serum.

She knew it was going to be a lot of trial and error, but she hadn't expected the test subject on her program to explode.

"What are you working on," Tony questioned, knowing fully well what she was working on, he just wanted to annoy her.

"None of your fucking business, asshat."

"Well it is my business since you're in my lab using my equipment."

"Well I didn't ask to be in this fucking lab with you," Annabeth snapped back, not looking up from her work as she plugged something in to the program on her computer, changing around some of the variables to see how it would effect the end result.

Tony merely grunted in response, annoyance coursing through him.

Truth be told, he loved working in the same lab as his sister. He liked being close to her after not being in contact with her for three years, but he wouldn't deny the fact that she got under his skin so easily. It made him want to say certain things he knew he would regret, just to piss her off, but that's what had caused this whole mess in the first place. He had said something he didn't actually mean and it had resulted in her hating him.

He had let his mouth run away without actually thinking about what he was saying, and that was something he was always going to regret. He was always going to regret not thinking before he had spoken.

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 - 𝐁. 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now