✨|Chapter 45|✨

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O My Gosh!!!!!!! Again I am failed in my  plan. I don't know now what is happening with me. Atleast this time I thought that I will successfull in my plan to kill Trisha but no, all in vain instead of killing her, I myself got in a trouble and now I have only one option left that is to tell him to elope so that he couldn't get caught. If he get caught by dadabhai (brother) then he will tell my name and I will be in trouble as the situation may worsen that he can get me out of the house for killing her(Trisha). No no no I have to tell him to elope as soon as possible so without wasting any time, I took my phone and quickly  called him.
Hello. She said
You just elope as soon as possible if you want to survive. I said
But what about my money. He asked from other side of the call
I will talk to you later regarding this. You just elope as soon as possible if you don't want to die. I said and cut the call as he is about to say something but I am not in a mood of listen it.

On the other side......


Trisha are you feeling better now? I asked her
AAAAkash. She finally said my name
Yes I am feeling much better now. She said and I hugged her tightly.
I started crying my heart out while hugging her after a long time. Seems like I am feeling a little bit safe after hugging her tightly.
Akash what happened? Why are you crying? See I am ok, nothing has happened to me. Do you think that anything can happen with me when you are there? She asked while hugging me back.
I broke the hug and said
You don't have any idea Trisha that what I have gone through in this three days as I am unable to sleep in this three nights. Even how helpless I am as you get shot infront of me but I can't do anything at that time. I said while feeling guilty
Don't say like that Akash. Its not your fault I understand. She said
Can you please help me to sit? She asked me
Yes. I said and helped her to sit on the bed.
But I promise you Trisha. I will not leave that man who has done this to you and I won't  spare that man who has made him to do this. I said
Akash calm down. She said
No Trisha I will do that as I won't spare him so easily. How dare he to do this with you? I said
May I came in? A voice came from outside the cabin.
We both looked and saw its my mother (maa) and Ahana
Maa eso eso (Maa come inside) I said
How are you feeling Trisha? My mother said
Its much better maa. She said
I really can't believe that how this things happen.I  think  it is planned early to kill boudibhai (Trisha). But the question is who did this ? Ahana said
I am also thinking the same and I am suspecting another person also but I cannot say the name without being confirmed. I said
First focus on her health she is still very weak. my mother said
Maa I am ok now. She said
When I will go home Akash?  I don't want to stay here anymore. She asked me
Within some days  Sona(darling) I will take you home. I said
After 2 days
I have brought Trisha home as she is stable now but not as normal as before she needs proper rest. She still looks weak as I can understand from her face only
Finally I felt relieved that she is back. My mother said
Ahana smiled
No maa everything has not yet completed. I need to be clear who has done this to Trisha on the Holi day. I said while looking at Arshi.
Yes we should know otherwise the same thing will happen again as today it happened with boudibhai (Trisha) and tomorrow it can happen with us. Ahana said
Arshi didn't said anything just listened to us.  I am sure that she has done this but I need to be confirmed with solid proofs because she is the one who don't like Trisha and she is also the one who wants to harm Trisha at any cost.

At night

She is taking rest and I brought her dinner to eat because it's important for her to have food on time as its not good to skip food.
Trisha wake up Sona (Darling). Have your food. I called her while trying to wake her up.
At first she didn't want to wake up and said
Akash I am not hungry now. I don't want to eat. She said
Trisha you have to eat because at this stage food is important. I said and finally managed to get her up from the bed.
She get up from the bed resting her back on the headboard and I tried to feed her with my own hand.
Have you eaten? She asked me
O my God!!!!!This woman is so much concerned about others than herself and because of this she is not taking care of her health.
No I will eat after this. I said
You haven't eaten for so long and you want me to eat? She asked loudly
Trisha its a matter of your health so you should eat early. I said and was about to feed her with my own hand
But .... She is about to say something I intrupped
No and but today do as I say. I said
I can eat by myself. She said
I know you can but today I will feed you with my own hand. I said and started feeding her.

Another update......
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