✨|Chapter 55|✨(THE END)

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The way he is kissing me, it shows love, passion and obsession. He hold my both arms and started kissing me more deeply as he is exploring my whole mouth. At first its difficult for me to reciprocate but slowly I started reciprocating with him. After sometime, we broke the kiss and I hugged him tightly.

Please Akash please. I can't take it anymore. I said while hugging him

He doesn't said anything just patting my back and kissed on my temple

Don't cry at this stage Trisha. If you cry like this, then how the baby inside you will feel? He asked me.

We are  getting late for the ceremony Akash. I said

Seems like you are too excited about the ceremony than your health. He said

Yes I am. Afterall its a ceremony of our babies arrival. Aren't you happy? I asked

Yes I am but I am thinking some other way. He said while smirking

Akash you never change. I said while giving him a glare and blushing then I was about to leave, but he gripped my wrist.

Where are you going leaving  me and without my permission? He whispered in my ear

Downstairs because everyone is waiting. I said

Wait. He said then went to the dressing table and brought the lipstick.
He was about to put it on my lips but I said
Akash its okay. I don't need that now. I said
But I need that. He said while coming close to me
I need your lips shining with red and glossy and only I have the right to eat that and also look into your lips. He said while smirking
My face become red like a tomato and again I hugged him tightly.
What happened? He asked while putting his hand on my head.
Nothing. I said
Something is  definitely wrong. Tell me what is it. He asked
I didn't said anything. He then touched my chin with his four finger and make me look at him.
What happened? Tell me. He asked

I am really feeling scared Akash. I finally said
For what? For our baby right? He asked
I nodded positively and said
Akash our baby will come into this world right? There won't be any problem right? I asked him because I can't keep myself calm.
There won't be any problem Trisha, if it is then we will overcome it anyhow. Don't worry. He said while cupping my both cheeks.


Now the baby shower(shaad in bengali) ceremony is about to start. I was sitting in the dining table infront of the food but trust me, I am not in a mood to eat anything but I have to eat some. I went to my MIL

What happened Trisha? My MIL asked me while patting on my head
Maa actually I am unable to eat this much of food. Its too much for me now.I said while making baby faces

Trisha I understand that what you are going through but atleast you have to eat something. Remember the baby needs to eat for his/her health. You cannot stay without eating especially at this stage. My MIL said

I didn't said anything although she is right that I should eat but it's none other than pregnancy mood swings. I looked at my baby bump and touched it.

She smiled and said

Now like a good girl, go and sit on the table. She said
I went back to my place and took my seat then I started talking with the relatives as they congratulate me for my baby and also  giving me tips that how can I handle my baby.They are very nice.
Suddenly Ahana came to me and said
Boudibhai(sister-in-law), see who has come to meet you.
I got up from the table and went infront of the house entrance. I was really shocked to see who the person is as how many days, how many months I haven't seen him. The person is none other than my father.
He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't control my tears anymore
Baba(father). I called and rushed to him and hugged him.
He too hugged me back and smiling
Baba(father) are you ok? I asked him
Yes Trisha, I am ok. He said while smiling
Meanwhile my MIL came and said
Trisha are you going to make your father, stand outside?
I looked at her and smiled
Come inside baba(father). I said and make him come inside
Welcome Mr Bhowmik. My MIL said
He smiled and sit on the sofa and me my MIL started talking with him. Meanwhile Akash came as he saw his FIL for the first time and took blessing from him by touching his feet and we trio started talking.

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