chapter 4

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“Reid I'm fine, you don't have to baby me anymore…we have more important things to focus on.”

“Your health is important Aris, it's only been a few days, you could still easily re-open your wound if you move around too much.” He scolded.

“I'm not going to be doing anything strenuous, please I've been cooped up in here since we got on this ship!” I argued. 

“You can help me and Jacob check the medical supplies. We are too busy so go walking around the ship with you right now.”

“I'm not a child reid.”

“no but you said so yourself, there's a goddammit monster on board the ship! what if you run into it while out there?! you're too vulnerable, not to mention this piece of junk vessel is falling apart, we hit some turbulence and you could fall and hurt yourself!”

as if the universe wanted to prove his case, the ship suddenly shook causing Jacob to nearly fall over as we all held onto something. 

items on the counters clattered to the ground as the rumbling and shaking slowly faded back into smooth sailing. “case and point.” Reid cursed before bending down to start picking stuff up off the ground.

rolling my eyes I looked to the doorway as I saw a familiar face passing by in the hall, and a genius idea came to mind as I climbed out of the bed and waved. 


the passing figure, dressed in black paused in his stroll to look towards me curiously. I waved him over and he hesitated, seeming a bit unsure as to my intentions before wandering the room.

Reid looked up towards him seemingly just as confused, but I paid him no mind.

“Are you busy?” I asked Damien. he looked between me and Reid before meeting my eyes once more.

“not really.” 

smiling I looked over to Reid as he stood up with his arms full. “I'm going to look around the ship.” 

“Aris! I just told you–”

“I know what you said but I'm not going to be alone! I'll have Damien with me so you and Jacob can focus on your jobs while I get acquainted with the ship's layout! Damien is in charge of security,  he has a gun, and the captain ordered him to protect me so there's no reason that I can't go out with him! because he's already saved my life once!” I happily chimed in before Reid could finish.

“Come on Let's go!” I grabbed Damien hand and lead up out of the medical bay.”

“Aris!?” Reid called after me but I just kept walking, practically dragging Damien along with me.

he didn't say anything to me or protest even when I stopped after turning down a few halls, to face him.

he just stared at our conjoined hands. maybe it's making him uncomfortable…

I pulled my hand away before giving an awkward smile. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt or bother you with whatever you were doing, I just needed an excuse to escape the medbay.”

he merely let his hand fall to the side almost roboticly before turning his head up to look at me. “escape?” he asked, tilting his head.

with a small chuckle I turned my gaze away and held my injured side. “Yeah, Reids been really strict about what I do and where I go since he thinks things are too dangerous for me. I understand his concern especially because I'm injured, but being trapped in the medbay with nothing to do, is not how I want to spend my time ya know? Anyways, thank you for saving me back there. you don't have to watch over me if you don't want to or if you have things to do, i don't want to be a bother. I'm sure I could get around just fine on my own.” I explained, as an awkward tension filled the air between us.

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