Partners in Crime

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Lute's pov

Three years have passed since Y/N and I got promoted to first and second lieutenants. Extermination day has come and gone time and time again and it has finally rolled back around.

Y/N, Adam, and I have also officially been releasing music here in heaven. We've decided we don't have a lead singer anymore, it depends on the song and the vibe who ends up the main voice.

Y/N still sings main for a lot of our music we released on earth. I wouldn't have it any other way to be completely honest.

"Lute- why the fuck are you up?" I heard Y/N ask from our bed.

"Couldn't stay asleep. You know how worked up I get before and after an extermination." I replied. My girlfriend hummed before she stood up and joined me by our bedroom window.

"I do. Can you come lay back down with me though? I hate sleeping without you." I pressed a soft kiss to her temple in response to the question. The biggest thing I hate about the fact that I died is that she still has nightmares about it, even if we're both safe in heaven.

"Are we finally going to go after that fucker this year?" I asked her as we laid back down in bed. Y/N rested her head on my chest and traced shapes on my stomach.

"Yep. I have the perfect plan. We know what he looks like down there, we know where he tries to hide every year. It's time we finally strike and get him back for all the pain he caused." Y/N's eyes glowed bright yellow for a second, a sign that she's determined. I nodded in the darkness of our bedroom. I can't wait to get that man back. He ripped us apart far too soon. Now that we're back and better than ever it's finally time. We'll take him down as Partners in Crime.

"C'mon. Let's try and get some more sleep." I whispered into Y/N's hair. The angel yawned and nodded.

"Goodnight my muse."

"Goodnight my rockstar."

The two of us slept for another 4 hours before Adam so kindly decided to wake us up with his fucking guitar.

"Wake up Tit Crew! It's Extermination Day! Get up so we can slaughter some demons!" He shouted. I turned over and shoved my head into Y/N's neck. My girlfriend groaned and moved her wing to cover both of our faces.

Adam kicked the door open and whined in the most Adam way possible. "Come on! Wake up bitches! I want to go kill demons!"

"Adam, why do we have to get up now? We can't leave until noon anyway." Y/N asked as she pulled me closer to her. Adam just groaned in response. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of bed.

"Don't fucking touch me, asshat." I growled at the first man. "You're lucky I didn't throw my sword at you for waking me up. I'd watch your fucking guitar strings if I were you."

"Fine! Yeesh. Meet me at camp at 11 to start gearing up."

I crawled back into bed and curled back into Y/N after Adam shut the door.

"You're so sexy when you threaten people. I love it."

"I love you."

Y/N pulled me as close as possible to her before she began to gently comb her hand through my feathers. I hummed in contentment at the feeling of my lover preening my wings. When Y/N was done with my wings she moved to running her hand through my hair.

"You're thinking too much. I can practically hear your thoughts." I hummed at her.

"Oh yeah, Lieutenant Know-it-all? what am I thinking then?"

"We won't fail. We will successfully get the justice we deserve. You know why?" I asked. Y/N shrugged her shoulders. "Because we are Y/N and Lucille. The best and only earthborn exorcist angels, first and second lieutenants to the first man. And anyone who dares try and stop us from getting what we deserve will get the ever loving shit beaten out of them. That's why."

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