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Y/N's pov

It's Extermination Day! I am so fucking excited! Adam has been tearing the place up for the last week. Apparently he is super pumped up for it. The amount of times I have caught him with his battle axe guitar swinging around into picture frames is insane.

"Let's go Tits! It's time." Adam shouted into my ear.

"Adam. I am right next to you! Lower your fucking voice!" I yelled back and jabbed my elbow into him.

"Ugh! Fine. Whatever. Let's just go." He grumbled as he rubbed his side. I heard Lute snicker from behind me. Adam gave us his signature 'feel bad for me' pout and Lute and I laughed harder at him. Adam stomped out of the front door as he continued to grumble and curse under his breath.

I held out my wing to Lute, letting her pick a feather. She pulled a loose secondary before returning the gesture. I took a small covert feather and gently pulled her out of the house after Adam. The three of us began the flight to camp.

"Does anyone else have a weird feeling about today?" I asked as my gut feeling spiked.

"What do you mean Sugartits?"

"I don't know. Something just feels off." I continued. Lute looked at me and nodded.

"I'd trust her on this sir. Y/N's gut feelings are rarely wrong." She said to Adam. Adam nodded.

"Alright Tits. Keep a close eye on everyone during the meeting. I don't need any paperwork to do today when I should be rocking with my girls and getting laid afterwards."

"Yes sir." We said in unison.

We landed at the front gate as the sun hit the right height in the sky.

The three of us put our masks on and walked in. The exorcists around us stopped what they were doing and quickly moved into rows.

My eyes scanned the masks of my sisters in Christ. Everyone looked as ruthless as ever. Even that weakling Vaggie. Adam, Lute, and I passed her on our walk and her face changed. Doubt.

"Keep an eye on Vaggie." Lute and I whispered to each other. So she was watching her too. I smirked at my girlfriend and held out my fist. Lute quietly tapped it with hers. Adam went on with his yearly speech about "let's kill more demons than we did last year" for ten minutes, hyping all the angels up. Throughout his speech I kept my eyes on Vaggie.



"What did you notice during the meeting?" Adam asked. I looked around to see the portal open and all of the angels except for me and Adam gone.

"Vaggie was acting off, sir. I believe that to be the cause of my off feeling today." I said to him, staring into the portal where I could see Lute waiting for me.

"Good job Sugartits. You and Dangertits keep watch on her."

"Yes sir."

Adam waved his hand at me and we both took off through the portal. We met up with Lute and dived down to the sinner filled streets below. I summoned my sword and sliced the heads off of demon after demon.

I kept my eyes on Vaggie for hours as she moved through the city. She killed without hesitation. She seemed to be behaving as normal. So why did I have such an weird gut feeling?

I was distracted enough that a demon knocked me off my feet. Adam landed in front of me with a smirk. His golden wings flapped once throwing the demon back.

"I wouldn't do that sinner. Her girlfriend is real mean-"

"I heard that Sir!" Lute called from above us. I snickered at the banter between us. Adam swung his guitar axe and cut the sinner in half. Nice.

Dearly Departed (Lute x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now