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W.I.C.K.E.D. Date: 02/17/33: Sarah Jackson

I ran, and I kept running. People or they used to be people before they got turned into psycho zombies. Cranks. WICKED called them cranks. The sun flares destroyed the earth and it burned like hell itself then came the Flare a hideous disease that attacks the brain, making you go batshit crazy. That wasn't the worst of it.

They took immunes and forced them into their experiments. Kids. Since 99% of immunes are under the age of twenty.

I was only five when they took me, that was five years ago. I was now ten. Fun fact about me WICKED decided to give a ten year old a gun. I knew how to use it of course and I even had some special tricks, but I was still learning. I was too young to use a launcher. Guess they figured giving a ten year old girl a gun would be a good idea. I never used it on anyone, only cranks, there were days when I didn't even touch it.

The Cranks almost gained up on me but I was quicker, smarter, more sane, I turned around and shot two of them at once. A third one was a few inches from me but I shot it in the chest. I put them out of their misery now they were free. Shooting Cranks was easy enough but when they were close range, it was a scary situation let me tell you.


Later I was polishing my gun with the rag and getting more bullets. This was part of my routine. I did this religiously because I had nothing else. No parents, siblings, well, I have friends but I'm the only girl besides Teresa, they're alright but I have a hard time trusting people. Not since I was taken. But nonetheless I still join the late night meetings, I guess mostly because of Minho, he doesn't make me feel different. He treats me like a normal human being.

They'd kept us away from each other, I mostly was alone, but sometimes I'd get to be with group A. Which was the one I was a part of, even though they were all boys. Group B was all girls. I didn't know much about them but Newt's sister was there. He and the others used to sneak over there so he could see her but I don't know if they still do that.

Ramirez and Randall both came to my room with blank expressions, note to self: shoot Randall first chance you get. He always looked at me in a creepy way. Ramirez was too stupid or selfish to care. Either way I hated both of them. I hated everyone who had done this to us.

They motioned for me to follow them and I did. Best way to survive was to play along. That's what I had been taught. I had my gun so I could shoot them at a moment's notice. I didn't care if I got into trouble. They could do whatever they wanted with me, as long as they didn't hurt my friends.

What I saw shocked me to my core. Minho tied to a chair, ropes dug into his skin. His face was cut up and bruised. I was horrified, guessing his wonderful plan to escape had bitten him in the ass. But...what had happened to his face?

"What did you do?" I asked Randall sharply.

Randall kept his face blank. God! I wanted to put a bullet between his eyes. "He's never going to learn his lesson. Don't you agree Sarah?"

"No!" I shouted. This was crazy.

"Sarah. Please. You of all people understand WICKED is only trying to help. And actions have consequences, you kids need to learn you can't outsmart us. We know you've been sneaking around at night and we also know about Minho's attempted escape. I suppose he didn't learn from the last time."

We hoped we had outsmarted them. I kept my mouth shut but I was pissed.

A pod. Grievers, that was what they called them. The nasty biomechanical monster the military helped them make. They were designed for the maze trials. Let's just say I'm very nosy and do a lot of sneaking around so I've picked up on some top-secret stuff. This being one of them.

An Assassin's Runner (Minho x fem.OC)Where stories live. Discover now