[Request] 🩶🤍 🗝️ My Little Puppet (Mr. Puzzles x Kidnapped!Reader)

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Art by 'CringePersonMale11' on Discord

TWs // Captive, Hostage, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Spit, Swearing, Torture

🤍⚪️ Y/N's POV:
📺 Time/Arc: Puzzlevision

Requested by 'MentallyInsane_' & 'Kaia174'

Suddenly, I woke up with a jump, letting in a large gulp of air. I swiftly looked around me, my eyes wide with panic, looking for some sort of landmark, something familiar, but I could barely see anything in the dimly lit room that I was now in.

A sense of unease and terror quickly filled me as I tried to move forward, away from the uncomfortable wall that I was slumped against, and the sound of clanking metal echoed around the empty room. I felt sick as I realised that my wrists and ankles had been forced into handcuffs, which were currently digging into my skin, while I had been unconscious.

I let out a terrified scream as a booming voice suddenly sounded from somewhere in the room. "Ahh, you're finally awake, then. It took you long enough."

"Who... Who are you?! Show yourself!" I cried out, trying to act braver than I actually felt. But the weak and shaky tones in my voice gave away how I was actually feeling. I was terrified. And my sense of panic was only filling me more every minute.

There was a sigh, and a man with a TV for a head appeared in front of me. I was just about able to see, from the light from his face that was illuminating where he was standing, that his outfit mostly consisted of blacks, whites, and greys. And he was wearing a bowler hat with two silver antennas sticking out of it on top of his screen. His facial expression flickered and sometimes changed as he spoke, but mostly consisted of: grey, yellow, light blue, light green, pink, red, and dark blue. Directly below that, he simply had the word 'puzzlevision' engraved.

"Mr. Puzzles. It's a pleasure to finally get to meet you." he introduced himself creepily, smiling sweetly down at me as he leaned closer into my already pale face.

"The fuck do you mean 'finally'?! And what the hell do you want from me?!!" I snapped back, his fake smile filling me with anger.

"Now, now, watch your language, Y/N. This is a kids-rated show, after all." he said back, trying his best to stay calm as he wiped my spit off his otherwise polished face.

"A... A show...?" I murmured, looking down at the dark ground, confused and panicked. 'Does that mean everything that me and the others have gone through hasn't been real? No. No, that can't be true.'

"Why, yes. You don't think that all of the hectic events that occurred just so happened to fall into place over the last year, did you?" he explained in a bittersweet tone. And tears stung the corners of my eyes as he confirmed my greatest fear. "Although I have to give you credit where it's due, you and your friends make great actors."

There was a click as he took his head off and began to show footage of the most heartbreaking, torturing, and traumatising events, from when SMG4 went insane trying to make his 'perfect' video, when we'd all been trapped in that simulation by Oneshot Wren, and when SMG4 and SMG3 had done a casino heist to try and get SMG3's notebook back from Mario and Marty.

"You're a monster." I hissed out, my tears running freely down my cheeks. I couldn't believe that everything was fake. That he'd rigged all of it.

However, before he could say anything back, the TV began to glitch out, and the sound of static filled the air, grabbing his attention. With him distracted, I began to yank on my restraints with all of my might, trying to do anything and everything that I could to get free.

But I soon froze as I saw what the TV before me was now playing footage of. My friends.

It was then that it dawned on me that it wasn't playing past events anymore. No, it was current. My friends were trapped in some sort of freak show. And there was nothing that I could do.

"Whoops! I wasn't meant to show you that... yet." Mr. Puzzles said energetically, with a hysterical laugh, muttering the last part underneath his breath. Before proceeding to kick himself in the head, stopping the footage, and screwing it back onto his neck.

"...W...What have you done?!" I struggled out, heartbrokenly. And, as he saw and heard my reaction, his look of concern transformed into a powerful smirk.

"I improved them, Y/N. Turned them into something unique. Made them better." he said simply, acting like he had done nothing wrong. My eyes trailed the floor again, my tears only continuing to run faster.

"N...No..." I muttered before my eyes snapped up at him with a glare.

If I was the last one standing, then I needed to try and save my friends. Even though I was at a massive disadvantage. I needed to keep trying. For them.

"GIVE THEM BACK!!!" I yelled. And both of us were shocked at how loudly I spoke. I hadn't meant to raise my volume that much.

"I think we both know that this isn't how this works. I'm not just going to 'free' them, am I?" he snapped back, his face morphing into one of annoyance. And I let out a quiet, frustrated growl as he flicked my chin with one of his gloved fingers.

"But I do have a compromise. Just for you." he said, resorting back to his calm tone and fake smile once more. And fear filled my E/C eyes as he did so. "You see, for my shows to reach the pinnacle of 5 stars, I need the entirety of the SMG4 Crew under my control."

A sense of unease and panic began to fill me as he said that. And I turned and pulled on the chains again with everything that I had left. I was the last one he needed. The last one to complete his collection. I needed to get out of here. Now.

But, after only a short while, I realised that it was completely useless. I was stuck. Trapped. And he could do whatever he wanted with me. I heard him let out a snigger as I came to that resolution, and I turned my breathless face to glare at him again.

"As I was saying, unlike those other brats that you call your 'friends', you could actually make yourself useful." he snarled, and I reeled back as his face turned into a horror expression instead.

"...What?" I asked confused, frustrated that he'd just referred to my closest friends as nothing more than 'brats'. Something that they weren't and never had been. If they were giving him trouble, then it was only because of everything that he'd been doing to them.

"You see, you've always stood out to me as... different. Regardless of what I threw you into, you always kept going. You hardly ever broke." he explained with a half-sweet smile. He then clicked, and, with a slight flicker of light blue sparks, a white envelope appeared in his hand.

"So, I want you to join me as co-owner of Puzzlevision." he said proudly with a smile, holding the envelope out towards me, and I was able to see that it had a black TV symbol on it. A logo that I'd be able to recognise anywhere by now.

"And if I disagree?" I asked. I wanted to know my options before I agreed, to be 100% sure that I made the right choice. I wasn't going to give in to him just yet, not if there was still a way for me to stop him anyway.

"I'll make you join the others. You'll be turned into nothing more than a puppet. Forced to entertain for the rest of eternity. Of course, you'll be perfectly happy. But is that really what you want?" he said, shrugging his shoulders. But I could tell that he was hurt by the fact that I'd half-declined his offer as he brought his gloved hand back to his side.

I looked away from him for a single second, weighing up my choices. I could either join him and betray my friends, yet maybe, just maybe, still have a chance at being able to save them. Or I could be reunited with them but turned into one of his puppets.

It was an obvious choice.

1402 words

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