honey, i'm home

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"claudia, do you wanna come over?" my brother asked me through the phone call.

i wss thrilled. ferran had a huge house so i never turned down the opportunity to visit. "um... of course! why? what's happening?"

i heard him shrug. "i'm just having the guys over, and i haven't seen you in two days, i miss my little sis."

"aw, my brother the sentimental..." i loved teasing him. "can i bring the girls?" i asked.

"of course, they haven't been over here in a while, so why not?" he said.

i nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "alright, we'll be there soon. love you, ferran" i told him.

"love you more, claudia."

see, my brother and i had a great relationship, we were the type to tease each other, but the intent was always good. we were never those types of siblings who fought all the time, but when we did, all hell broke loose.

i got up from the couch and went to tell ronnie and sarah about the hangout at ferran's.

"you guys, where are you?" i called through the condo. the girls were my roommates, my best friends, and my band mates.

you've never seen anyone closer that me and those girls, i loved them to death.

they were like sisters to me. growing up, i always wanted  a sister, but i got stuck with ferran, the big weirdo.

all jokes aside though, i loved all of them so much, and the best part was that they got along well.


i called for the girls again and finally found them in the recording studio.

sarah played bass, and ronnie was on the drums, and they were recording one final instrumental segment for our newest single called "she knows it".

i usually played electric guitar and was the lead singer, but we recorded the songs separately sometimes, just for the sound to be more organic.

i waited as they finished the take and stepped into the studio. "you guys, ferran asked us to come over, you wanna go?"

sarah nodded, she and my brother were good friends. "sure, who's gonna be there?" she asked.

ronnie was a different story. she hated ferran for some reason. a reason she never wanted to tell me. "ugh, do we have to? claw, i know he's your brother but he's so annoying." she complained.

sarah shot her a look. "we are not having this discussion again. ferran is a nice person, and frankly, i don't understand why you don't like him."

i nodded in agreement. we had this argument like 3 times a week, it was a recurring theme.

ronnie sighed. "i'll go, but i'll just hang out with pedri or gavi." sarah and i looked at each other in understanding and simultaneously replied. "fine."

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once we got there, ten excruciating minutes later after listening to ronnie's hamilton playlist on aux, we got to ferran's place.

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