the bitch seems really cool

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i woke up the next day in mikky and frenkie's place. i recognized the guest room because i'd been there many times before, but i didn't know i got there.

i got really drunk, huh?

"how did i get here, man?" i mumbled to myself, getting out of bed. i noticed i was wearing pajamas, and i thought it was really sweet that miks had lent me some of hers, since, of course, i didn't have spare clothes on me.

i checked my phone and saw that i had a few missed calls from ronnie and sarah. i sent them a quick "i'm okay" text and decided i'd tell them more later.

i got out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. god, i needed an advil.

i headed to the kitchen/living room where i found mikky making toast with miles watching her from his little chair.

"good morning." i said groggily, plopping down on one of the chairs on the kitchen island.

mikky smiled. "good morning, my love. how did you sleep?" she set some coffee and an advil in front of me a flashed me a knowing glance.

i sighed. "like a baby. i was knocked out." i laughed. "i'm sorry you had to deal with drunk claudia. she's a whole other species."

miks swatted her hand, as if it was nothing. "you were totally out of it, but it was really funny, so..." she shrugged.

miles reached out his hands for me to pick him up, so i did, and i set him on my lap as i drank my coffee. "the last thing i remember is dancing with joao until almost everyone was gone." i laughed. then the realization set in. "holy fuck. i danced with him. oh my god, oh no. oh, this is a problem. i probably made such a fool of myself."

i put my face in my hands. "miks, what am i gonna do? he probably thinks i was trying to hook up with him or something. oh, i'm so fucked." i said, playing with mile's little curls.

"i mean, he was really into it, he was totally wanting to lean into you. i thought he was going to undress you at some point. in front of everyone. that's how into you he was." she reassured me.

she continued. "when it got really late, me and joão cancelo took you both back to our homes to sleep it off." mikky chuckled.

then, her phone started ringing. "hey, that's cancelo right now. he's facetiming me."

i smiled. "don't let him know i'm here, i want to know what he's gonna say without me being there." i giggled.

mikky answered the call, and they both said their hello's, and then they got to the good stuff. my stomach was about to explode, from nerves and from some of the leftover booze.

i could hear cancelo's words very clearly through miks's phone. "so, i took him back home, right? and through the whole drive, he wouldn't stop talking about claudia. i've never talked to her, but damn, the bitch seems really cool." cancelo laughed.

i thought it was sweet. i made a mental note to make and effort to get to know the other joão when i had the chance.

"what stuff was he saying?" mikky pressed for answers, looking at me with a sly smile.

"he wouldn't stop talking about the chemistry they had, how flirty they'd both been, and how well the conversation flowed between them. he went on and on about how her hair was the softest hair he'd ever seen, and her eyes were like magnetic or something. i don't know, mikky. he was being really sappy, it was hard to watch." he laughed.

mikky's hand was on her mouth in shock. "that's the cutest thing i've ever heard."

"i know, right? anyways, then he started going on and on about how she danced so provocatively he thought he was about to burst right then and there." cancelo laughed.

miks' and my jaws were on the floor. mikky started laughing uncontrollably, and i had to leave the room to cackle so the other joão couldn't hear me.

our giggles could probably be heard from brazil, but cancelo didn't seem to notice, and when i came back, he was still going on and on.

"yeah, he was saying she really pushed him to his limit there. he started rambling about wanting to rip her clothes off and just be with her, but then i took him home. he blamed me, like, how is that fair?" cancelo seemed genuinely offended.

mikky couldn't stop laughing, even when she hung up the phone. we giggled uncontrollably for what felt like hours, miles just looked confused as to why we were acting like that.

mikky finally regained composure. "did you hear what he said? that's the funniest thing anyone's ever said, i fear." she giggled.

"he was drunk, though. of course he was horny." i reasoned.

miks sighed. "claudia torres you are the blindest person i have ever met. he's obviously into you! drunk words speak sober thoughts!" she shook my shoulders.

i giggled. "i kind of wanna play the long game, though. see what happens." i shrugged.

mikky looked defeated. "UGH! i can't stand you when you get like this. just bone him already!"

i cackled. "miks, we met yesterday. i'm not sleeping with someone i've just met."

she sighed in desperation. "anna was willing to marry hans, a man she just met! and that was marriage!" she referenced frozen.

"and he turned out to be an asshole! hans only wanted anna for as long as he had the power. once he saw that elsa was more important to her than him, he left her! it was heartbreaking! i can't take another heartbreak." i reasoned.

my friend sighed again. "if it's meant to be, the universe will make it so that you end up together, i'm just saying, cancelo telling us all of that is a sign from the universe to go for it!"

i smiled. "i'll think about it."

i kissed her on the cheek and picked miles up to say goodbye to him as well, and then i headed home.

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g speaks!

short chapter today, but i wanted to add a comedic touch to it. joão basically saying he was about to come while dancing with claudia is the funniest thing in the world to me.

it's really weird for me to write about sex-related stuff, i literally cringe myself out so much. there are people i know that read my stuff so... if you know me and you see this, no you didn't LMAO.

word count: 1120

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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