we'll do this another time

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"you thought it was cute?" i asked, not believing my ears, or my eyes. how was he talking to me? oh my god.

he laughed. "i did. i noticed a really loud cheer, so i looked up, and there you were. i had to come talk to you, i thought you were beautiful."


i smiled. "thank you, joão. i didn't even notice i was being that loud, to be honest." i shrugged.

"well, you were. but it was really sweet." he blushed, which made butterflies erupt in my stomach once again. "plus, i would have never been here talking to you if you hadn't cheered like that."

i grinned. "oh, yes you would be. or i would have come talk to you myself." i shrugged, trying to play it cool.

he laughed, "would you, now?"

holy shiiiiiit.

"yeah, i mean you're kind of cute too. my type." i explained, trying to come off as confident when i was a wreck of nerves inside.

his eyebrows shot up. "kind of? only kid of cute? i'm offended." he laughed, putting a hand to his chest and pouting.

"oh please." i swatted his hand away from his chest. "you know what you look like. do you really need reassurance from me?" i giggled.

he shrugged. "of course i do, you're the prettiest girl i've see in a long time."

oh, man.

"you're literally making me blush, joão." i laughed.

he furrowed his eyebrows. "i don't see it."

i shrugged. "well, then feel it. i'm literally burning up." i giggled.

he gave me a look of are you sure?, and i nodded. he put his hand on my face, and i instinctively leaned into the touch.

it was truly magic.

i saw him leaning in to kiss me, so my eyes fluttered shut, waiting for the contact. but it never came.

when my eyes opened again, i saw that someone had started making a toast for joão.

right. on. time.

seriously, dude? now?

his hand was still on my face, an apologetic look in his eyes. i touched his hand with my own and let it rest there, silently telling him it was okay.

when the toast ended, everyone cheered and clinked glasses, and many people started coming his way to try and get a picture or a signature.

he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "we'll do this another time."

it was the sexiest thing i'd ever experienced.

he eventually got pulled away by some executives, and i left to find mikky, but ran into fermín first.

"hey, claw. you having fun?" he asked. he was such a cutie, i loved fermín so much.

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