Would you care? 🌟 B

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⚠️Suicidal thoughts and attempt+Sh⚠️

Y/n's pov

Everything had become to much ever since my mom died last year my whole life has collapsed, I started drinking more and my Sh had gotten a lot worse. The only thing holding me up right now was Bill. Bill is always there for me and I know I can go to him for anything, he also knows I've been struggling for the last year but what hurt me the most was that he thought I was getting better.

I wish I could try get better for him but that could only be a dream, the only thing holding me back from telling him is the disappointed look that I could never stare at for to long.

I hopped out of bed and got into the shower, the hot water flowed onto my arms making the cuts on my wrists burn. After about 40 minutes in the bathroom I came out. I picked my outfit for today. I didn't wanna get out of bed but I was determined to get better for Bill even if it took all my strength to get better.

Bill was supposed to be coming over to my apartment today but had to cancel because him and Tom had a last minute interview to do.

To pass the time I went shopping, it wasn't like I was gonna eat what I bought I was already pretty fat in general. I enter the store and here a bell ring as I enter signifying that I've entered. I get what I need and head out after paying.

That was when whistling caught my attention, "Hey" 3 boys shout behind me. They were a lot taller than me and were quite intimidating. "I can't lie youv gotten a lot uglier and fatter since primary school" said the one that had curly blonde hair. That's when I knew exactly who these people were. "You were a real bitch in primary, always crying for no reason I bet you cant be much better now" he added.

I felt tears in my eyes but needed to stay strong "I think the world would be better without you" said the one next to him. Thos words rung in my ears like they were etched in the walls of my head.

I couldn't do it anymore....

I promised to get better for Bill but this was my final step, there was no getting better for me. This was the worst I have ever been but I couldn't be bothered anymore I just ran. I didn't know where my legs were taking me I just kept running.

I heard thunder from behind me and realized it had started raining. The rain slowly got heavier as I reached my destination. The bride. I had been here before with Bill, I think it was our first date. I reached the barrier and watched as the sun set and the moon rose. It wasn't a pretty sunset it was in fact miserable and depressing, it accompanied the heavy rain and wind nicely as darkness set around me.

I was going to jump. The rain stung the cuts on my arms through my sweater, the cuts that Bill never knew about. The rain dropped down my face making my mascara run. I hopped over the fence of the bridge that was guarding everyone and stables my self with the fence behind me.

Bills pov

I headed past the bridge on my way back home from the interview, my eyes tired and barely open. Yet I caught a glimpse of a figure standing on the bridge technically outside of it. It looked like a girl, a young girl by this point I had stopped the car with the lights flashing towards her and I guess she might have noticed. She turned back around giving me a chance to take a glimpse of her face.

It was Y/n, my Y/n. I felt my heart froze and everything around went in slow motion. I ran as fast as I could but it felt like I had wasn't quick enough her hand slipped from shock when she noticed it was me. I reached for y/n and finally got a hold of her waist pulling her of the railing and onto the floor of the bridge.

Y/n's pov

It was Bill
I fell onto his chest whilst he held me tightly with the blood seeping though my sweater. "I'm so sorry" I kept repeating it felt like that was all I could say. He hushed me and rocked me back and forth trying to get me to calm down. We sat there for 30 minutes atleast and just enjoyed each others comfort.

He helped me up and lead me to the car "Bill.." I started but he stopped me "We can talk about this when we get home" he said in a deep but calming tone as we got in the car and made our way back.

We reached the driveway and pulled in. We both got out the car when Bill noticed my blood stained arms. He sighed but carried on walking in. "Why" he said as soon as he shut the door, he seemed angry and for the first time I was a little scared of him. "I-i" I stuttered not being able to get a proper word out. I guess he noticed how scared I was and his voice calmed.

"I'm not mad at you I'm just mad you didn't tell me" he said as he pulled me into a hug pecking me on the lips. He pulled away and wiped the tears of with his thumbs. "My sweet girl" he said to me as tears swelled back into my eyes. "Your broken" he said softly as he raised my arms and pulled up the sweater sleeves making sure not to hurt me.

The cuts looked terrible, all bloody. He took a sharp breath in before leading me to the bathroom to get the cuts sorted out. "I promise you will get better and this time I will be there for you" He said which gave me some hope.


Obviously they would normally be speaking German

I hope you like this one shot I really did try and it did take me 2 days but I guess it was worth it.

Word count 1069

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