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A/n: really sorry, I had to write a quick Authors Note because this chapter goes into Jazzy's past. I wanted to clear up that Jazzy was essentially a prostitute, I know that may trigger some people so please skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable. Her past will be continuously explained for anyone who feels this a random addition to the story, just trust me this makes sense in the plot. xoxo, Scarlett.

{04} 𖣔᯾ 𝙹𝚊𝚣𝚣𝚢 ᯾𖣔

I walked into the Isle the easiest way I could think of, the front door.

I opened the barrier with the button I'd taken from Gigi's bedside table and stepped inside, the tingle from my necklace returning to its useless state shivering through my body before I closed up the barrier again.

"Welcome home." I sang to myself as I looked around at the few Isle residents that were staring at me confusedly.

My eyes darted around before I sighed and walked off in a beeline for the VK hideout.

All was well as I walked through the rows of tucked away markets in the back alleys, until I met the silhouette of a ghost I abandoned long ago.

I knew that smile anywhere, and I didn't wish it upon anybody to be on the receiving end of it.

But here I was, on the receiving end of it.

"Look who it is... princess life not good enough for you, duckling?" Even his voice was condescending and cocky.

"Hi, Harry." I mumbled, folding my arms across my chest.

Harry Hook.

Ex-boyfriend, Douchebag -as much as he was incredibly pleasing to the eye- and Ursula's daughter's best mate on the Lost Revenge, a ship that I had spent hours a day hanging out with him on behind Jay's back.

"I missed yer, ducklin'. Y'know I was just out wishin' you'd come back to me at the voodoo house and here yer are." He was circling me now, like a predator circling its prey.

That analogy had me sick to my stomach.

"Magic doesn't work on the Isle. I'm not here for you, darling." I hissed, grabbing his wrist before he could trace my face with his hook.

"Well, obviously. You've got yer wee little Prince back in Boredon, don't yer?" Harry yanked his arm away from me but didn't attempt to put the sharp metal anywhere near my face again.

I shrugged, "Jealous?"

He smirked and leaned down to my ear, "Yes."

It was a whisper, and it had my mind flashing back to memories from months ago.

• Flashback (Third Person) •

"Yer know when I purchased a girl from Gothels I didn't expect her to look so- ravishing." Harry smirked as he watched Jazzy walk up to him.

"Ah, so you're the flattery type. Intriguing." She answered as she looked the boy up and down.

After months with random old perverts Mother Gothel had sent her on jobs with, she was finally with someone who looked half decent.

"Do yer always read your 'clients' like books, duckling?" He said the word 'clients' in air quotes with his fingers, mocking the name he had been given upon purchasing her.

'Jazzy's client'.

They made it sound so innocent, but on the Isle, they purchased girls from Gothels for reasons so far from innocence it made the most tainted of men seem angelic.

"Yes." She whispered with a small devious smile set on her red lips, "I find first impressions count."

"And whats mine like?" He asked as he took her wrist and pulled her gently into the room behind him.

"It's not too bad." She answered as he shut the door behind her.

She could see the room behind her, it was on a boat so it was simply a bed and a wardrobe, but that's all people on the Isle needed, especially in her line of- business.

• End of Flashback ~ Jazzy •

I winced at the memory, life on the Isle wasn't easy- and working at Gothels was the worst of my experiences.

"So, care to reenact the first time we met, Jaz?" He smirked and I grimaced.

"I'll pass." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

His smirk only seemed to grow at my answer, "Yer enjoyed it last time."

Last time. God- that was ages ago.

"I broke up with you for good reason, Harry. And I'm perfectly happy with the life I've led since then." I retorted, narrowing my eyes at the arrogance of the boy.

"Then why are yer back 'ere..."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. A completely true statement.

"Harry- fuck off, I really don't have time for you and your nonsense." I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

He chuckled, "Uma's gonna throw 'erself off the plank when she 'ears yer back."

"Go ahead, tell her. If she does throw herself off the plank- tell me so I can come watch." I answer and step past him, walking away. I can feel his eyes on me before his own footsteps can be heard fading behind me.

Harry Hook.

He brought back memories I wished would stay hidden forever in the back of my mind.

Not only did he bring back memories, he had resurfaced things I had fortunately forgotten about, but now they were back and my skin felt just as gross and unclean as it had before I left.

Auradon had removed it, but now it was back like a curse from the Isle.

I shivered and reached for a rock as I arrived at my destination. I picked it up and chucked it at an over-head sign, which creaked as it moved and the gate opened.

Those hideout steps couldn't be more of a sight for sore eyes.

I gripped onto the railing and rushed up them, bursting into the room I had left behind.

It was covered in spray paint, and I smiled at a portrait I had done of Jay and Evie when they were dating.

That seemed like ages ago, and it showed. Their faces were young at the age of 13 and they looked cute with Jay's arm flung round Evie while the words "Long Live Evil" were written behind them.

Red, Blue and Purple swirled throughout the whole room from me, Evie and Mal's paintings.

You wouldn't even know the boys spent time here too if it weren't for the scuff marks from their feet on the floor as they trained with each other.

Jay won every time, of course.

It was nostalgic.

The floorboards still creaked like they used to, and the rugs still spat tiny specks of dust when you walked on them. It was still home.

I felt somewhat grateful that the hideout hadn't changed like everything else in my life.

My love life had gone from pirates to princes and my family had gone from my villainous dad and thieving brother to my best friends and a few sparkly ladies of the court- by a few I mean Gigi and Jane.

But the hideout was untouched. The same.

I had changed but the Isle was still my home. Which is why I left Auradon.

I threw myself back onto the sofa and looked around, my eyes instantly lingering on a can of Red spray paint.

A smile appeared on my face as I wrapped my fingers around it and shook it.

You can take the girl out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the girl.

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