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{12} 𖣔᯾ 𝙹𝚊𝚣𝚣𝚢 ᯾𖣔

My head was thrumming and pounding as the darkness was replaced by a skull-splitting, blinding light.

"She's awake." A voice shrieked, and I jumped back at the sound. The person wasn't actually screaming, but the slow regain of consciousness had her comprehension and audio system in turmoil.

"Ow, what the fuck." I managed to groan out as I went to reach a hand up to my head, but they were chained to the floor with shackles.

Oh that's just great.

"Leave then, go tell Uma to give meh five minutes alone with 'er." Another voice said, a Scottish one.


"You're a dick." I hissed at him as my foggy eyes met his own. He smirked as he leaned down to me, his face closer to mine than it had been in months.

"Jazzy Jazzy... yer boyfriend left you 'ere with meh... doesn't that say somethin' about his character?" The pirate scoffed as he studied my own reaction, which was cold.

"It shows that he wanted to come back for me, but couldn't. I told Mal to knock the bridge- I knew the consequences. Don't bring Ali into this." My answer was monotonous and hinted at how enraged I was feeling, though my ability to control my temper was always one people envied.

"Well then, let's make a deal. We go back to how we were, duckling, and I forget about yer absence for eight weeks- and I don't hurt yer." His smirk was huge and obnoxious, suddenly causing an itching on my wrists where I wished I could rip them free and punch it off him.

"You're bluffing. We both know you'd never lay a finger on me." I gritted my teeth as I spoke, tilting my head to the side accusingly.

"Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I won't get Lizzie in 'ere." I flinched, Lizzie Sparrow- of fucking course.

"What do you want besides our old life back? Which is in the past by the way." I added the last sentence to irritate him, and it clearly did because he set his jaw and crouched down in front of me, inches from my face.

"Uma wants yer necklace... I just want to 'ave five minutes to remind you of everythin' we used to be... yer sayin' it's all gone, but I don't think it is, duckling."

"Then you're delusional- about the necklace and about how I'm feeling." I snapped, leaning away from him, but it wasn't a good enough attempt because he simply leaned further to fix my 'mistake'.

"Yer single, yer didn't get back together with Ali," He spoke his name as if it were plague, "Why don't yer just let me kiss yer like old times and then I'll let him have you."

I flinched and froze for a moment.

"You'll stop chasing me if we kiss once?" I manage to say, my eyes widened, I obviously didn't believe him.

Harry always had an ulterior motive, and no doubt had one this time.

"I want closure, Princess." Was all he said and I felt my eyes dropping to the floor at his saddened tone.

I knew I hurt him, but truly didn't realise just how much.

"Then you can have it... but I must warn you, Harry, just because I'm doing this doesn't lessen my- feelings for Ali." I sighed, checking the look in his eyes as they turned from sadness to guilt to understanding.

"I know, duckling." He answered with a small half-hearted smile.

I moved my hand to his cheek, rubbing my thumb against the stubble where he had been previously trying to grow a beard.

"I'm gonna grow a beard, Jazzy." He beamed as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I chuckled lightly, "A beard?"

"Yes. My dad had a moustache, I want a beard." He nodded slowly and I couldn't help but turn my head to look at him, happiness in my eyes.

"Yer adorable when yer lookin' at me like that, Princess." He noted, smiling.

I sighed contentedly and nodded, "I'm just happy."

His eyes were scanning my face, trying to imprint this moment in his head, "I missed yer, I truly did, Jazzy."

"I missed yer, where were you?" Harry frowned as he sat beside me on the ship's railing.

"With Jay and Carlos, they needed a distraction at Omar's. I wish they had a more respectable job." I frowned, running a hand through my hair.

"And working at Gothels is respectable?" Harry teased, obviously amused.

"No." I shake my head, grimacing at the idea of that profession being considered respectable, "But atleast I met you there."

I swallowed my pride and nodded, understanding.

Before I could blink a few more times, his lips met mine, the taste of rum and longing laid over them like a ghost in the background.

It almost felt unnatural, rigid from his side- and my theory was proved right when my eyes flickered open, pink swirling through them unusually.

Upon instinct, I pulled back, shutting my eyes and shaking my head fervently. He didn't seem fazed, which confused me further as the sensation of a prickling travelled from my lips to my eyes to my head where they filled the space.

When the feeling subsided I looked around, my eyes landing on the pirate boy.

The smirk on his face should've been a major red flag, but for some unknown reason it passed straight over my head.

𖣔᯾ 𝚄𝚖𝚊 ᯾𖣔

"She looks drunk." Lizzie scoffs as she stares at the brunette girl gazing hopelessly at Harry.

"Love drunk." I nod, smirking victoriously.

"The plan is working then, Uma. We use her necklace to make a gateway for you and Harry to leave. You spell the prince, make him undo the barrier and then revenge follows suit. I have to admit, you're not as dumb as people make you out to be." The girl said, nodding.

I hesitated for a moment, frowning, "Thankyou?"

It was times like these when i felt victorious over my mother, she didn't believe in me.

But here I was, getting further in a week than she had gotten in years.

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