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{13} 𖣔᯾ 𝙼𝚊𝚕 ᯾𖣔

The reassurance in Jay's words from earlier, where he told me that if I felt too pressured by the events on the Isle, I could leave and he'd drive me back himself, we're the only things keeping me afloat.

But boats, when damaged, always sink, and stood at the top of the staircase with a dress on that made me feel so out of place, I only felt it sped up the process.


Jazzy wasn't here to become a lady.

Jazzy wasn't here to witness a breakthrough in the changes we'd made in Auradonian history.

I felt a pang of pain simmer through my chest as I looked down at the crowd and began my descent down the stairs, awkwardly waving.

Ben and I handn't been able rekindle what we had, if anything we had only drifted further.

The bright lights accentuated the fear on my face- and as I looked down at the crowd my fear only grew when I met Jay's sparkling eyes, he was crying.

But he wasn't crying because I looked like a Lady of the Court, he wasn't crying because we'd made it off the Isle alive, he was crying because the life had been sucked from the room.

It was almost as if Jazzy were dead- which dramatised the situation slightly but it felt like an eery silence had fallen over the boat.

"Lady Mal Bertha Faery." Lumier announced as I reached Belle and Adam, who stood beside Ali and Gigi.



"Hey, Ben is on the way." Adam smiled as

Adam seemed stiff and like the royal he usually presented himself as but Belle pulled me into a hug, "I know we were shocked at first, but you are exactly what Ben needs."

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go on first impressions." Adam winked as we both laughed.

I relaxed slightly, a small smile lying on my lips.

Ali looked distraught, almost as bad as Jay, with his arms hung by his sides and his eyes glued to the floor.

I looked at him with sympathy and turned my attention back to the rest of the boat.

When Evie reached her arms forward, I hurried down the steps to embrace my best friend in a hug.

"Hey, how you feeling?" My blue-haired friend asked me cautiously as she studied my face.

"Um- kinda feel like I'm gonna throw up." I laughed nervously, and she just laughed back.

"Yeah? That's fine, we're here for you." I admired Evie's ability to be loyal in the darkest of times, and as she stood beside me waiting the arrival of Ben, her hand gripped my own.

"King Benjamin!" Lumier announced in his French accent, Ben's figure clad in his Auradon Royal attire appeared on the top steps.

I tilted my head and smiled as I looked at him, he cleaned up amazingly.

I wished Jazzy were here to mock me for the reddening of my cheeks, or giggle at the way I covered my mouth in slight shock.

Focus, Mal.

"There he is." Lonnie smiled from behind me, one hand on Jay's arm trying to calm him down.

He offered me a weak smile but I could see he wasn't okay.

"Go get him." Evie teased as she lightly pushed me forward. I gave her an eye roll in response and smiled at Ben.

My Be-

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