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{11} 𖣔᯾ 𝙰𝚕𝚒 ᯾𖣔

I sat in the limo, my eyes staring blankly out of the window.

"You mean she's with the rest of the troublemakers, probably plotting." I scowled, I was against Ben's initiative. Of course I was. Especially when it included Jay and Jazzy Far.


"Hello, Jazzy." I replied, stiffening and fixing my posture.

"You know, I thought I'd loathe meeting you, but it's actually quite entertaining." Her eyes drifted down my body as her teeth moved to bite down on her bottom lip.


"Because you like her! I love Mal, but maybe you just sort of like Jazzy. Like a crush?" The Auradon Prince suggested, turning around to face me when he was satisfied with his tie.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, turning to the small mirror on my bed stand and fixing my hair.


I nodded and ran a hand through my hair, "Both of us made the mistake of bringing up the Isle- I didn't know what she'd been through. She got angry and told me all these things about the Isle and Ben, honestly, I am so glad she's here and not there."


I nodded, but just as Evie was about to continue, the door swung open, revealing an extremely out of breath Gigi with a note in one hand and her clipboard in the other.

I recognised the note instantly as one of the pages from Jazzy's notebook and my heart sunk.

"Jazzy left."


I'd been scared before: like when our pet tiger
- Rajah, had a teenager phase and wouldn't stop trying to bite down on our faces- but this was different.

She was alone in this place.


My breath caught in my throat when I saw her.

She was back in her leather outfits, with her hair down and spilling over her shoulders. The Auradon look was gone and she was herself again.

"Ali." She mumbled, it was more like a breath out then a word, but the way she said it had my heart light up.


I fucking loved Jazzy.

I remembered telling Ben in the early weeks of our relationship that it was just a massive crush, that I was attracted to her but I didn't know if I loved her or not.

But I did, I do- love her.

And every second I was sat in that limo, away from her, unable to know what they're doing to her- if she's okay, my heart was aching.

Mal and Ben were sat in uncomfortable silence, their own faces practically pressed against the glass as if staring out of it would help them escape.

When the limo arrived back, I hurried to find Gigi, who was sat in my office sorting through paperwork.

"Jane, can you find out when the cultural decorations will arrive for Cotillion? Thankyou." She spoke into the phone as I opened the door.

Her blue hair covered her eyes and she didn't look up from her work.

"Can I help you with anything?" She said, scribbling something down.

"She's still there." I croaked out and my voice made her snap her attention up to me, her movements swift as she stood up and rushed over to me, embracing me in a hug.

The tears fell from my cheek before I could stop them.

"I promised her a life different from the one she led before Auradon and now she's still there." I sobbed, my chin on her shoulder.

"It's okay, Ali... sit down and explain." She gestures to the armchair and I shuffle over to it, sitting down.

I spent half an hour crying and feeling weak as I began telling Gigi everything from arriving, to finding her at their hideout apartment, and then finally to leaving her behind with Harry and Uma.

Gigi was my best friend, and although we had miscommunication with our friendship and whether or not Gigi thought it was romantic, we were both now a lot closer.

She and Jazzy got on perfectly, if anything Gigi and Jazzy confided in eachother more than Jazzy confided in me.

They were roommates and that often led to midnight gossip sessions that spiralled emotionally.

But here I was, spiralling emotionally because I had promised her the world and only given her a blade of grass.

I should have gone back for her, I should have pushed Ben away when he held me back.

And I failed her.

It broke me. I could feel my chest convulsing as I tried to gasp in breaths.

I'd never felt like this- the throbbing in my head, the panic in my eyes as the gravity of the events weighed on me, the unhealthy ragged breathing that was falling from my lips.


Her smirk only seemed to grow at my words, "Or what? You'll unleash the pussycat on me?" Her laugh was irritating.

"It's a tiger." I grumble, gritting my teeth. This girl- I wanted nothing more than to punch that stupid smirk off of her face.

"Tomato, tomahto." She shrugged, moving her hand off the wall, and stroking one of her fingers down my jawline. "Pretty rich boy..... well, goodnight then."


Everyone at school, before she had to completely change herself to earn their respect, called her slurs.

They knew before me about her work on the Isle and if I had known it then, I would've seen her behaviour as her personality and not one of the flaws that came with it.

I hadn't realised then, that Jazzy was masking someone: The real her.

Not the girl with the perfect hair and tidy pink dress, not the girl who brought men to their feet, the real Jazzy Far.

And now I could truly describe her.

Jazzy was- she was- outgoing and adventurous. Her smile was captivating, and confident, and her eyes lit up whenever she found something amusing.

She was family-orientated, her father and her brother meant the world to her, and while they weren't blood, the VKs were her home. She lived to see Evie's love of fashion, she worshipped Mal's growing confidence in her relationship with Ben, she practically fan-girled over Carlos' new-found obsession with dogs.

And not only did she find joy in other people's achievements, she also found joy in her own. I admired the way she let out a little squeal of excitement whenever she had done well on a test, or whenever she did a small dance after landing a trick in Cheerleading.

That was Jazzy Far.


Jaz- the girl I fell madly and deeply in love with.

And the girl I crashed and burned for when I left her in hell.


I'm not crying- you are!

These aren't tears this is just hay fever, okay?

Anyway- we'll get back to Jazzy next chapter I just wanted to know if you had any questions or anything you'd like me to dig deeper into?

Thankyou so much for spamming my notifications with votes- it means THE WORLD to me! Book 1 reached 14k today and I couldn't be happier so I wonder if we can get this one to 2k?

That's my goal, guys.

Anyways, all my love,

𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽 𝓑𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓮𝔂

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