1.1 | intruder

73 2 0

July, 2018

It's the middle of July and the heat was slowly increasing. Other than the occasional hood drama or gossip, there wasn't anything to do. With Monse being away for writing camp, it was only us 4. Me, Cesar, Jamal and Ruby. The default hangout spot was usually at Ruby's. There were snacks, air-conditioning and my favorite part, abuelita, who sometimes joined us while playing some board games that I convinced them to play.

Since Monse left, I was now the only girl in the group. I loved those boys to death, but sometimes they were pretty tiring. After hanging out, seeing as it was late, I considered it was best to leave.

"Hey." I poked Cesar and pointed at the windows, seeing that outside was almost pitch black. "We should go, it's getting late." I said as I got up from the couch and Cesar nodded.

"Yea, we should get going guys." He told Ruby and Jamal as he followed me to the door.

"It's too late to go home, maybe you guys should spend the night." Ruby said.

Jamal frantically nodded in agreement. "Dude, we could watch that game night show!"

Cesar turned to me, waiting for my answer. He seemed down for it, but I didn't want to ruin their fun.

"You guys go ahead. I'ma head home, I'm pretty tired."

They all looked at me funny.

"You sure? It's pretty late for walking back home." Ruby told me..

I laughed. "I think I can handle it, I'll see you all tomorrow. " I walked out and closed the door behind me. The walk home was pretty quiet. I walked to the front of the Diaz household, opening the door with my spare set of keys and closing behind me, making sure to double lock it. I decided against taking Cesar's room and settled on the couch, since it was closer to the front door if anyone came in. Just in case, I took out the gun from beneath my pillow and placed it on the coffee table.

I changed into one of my dad's old shirt and pair of shorts, brushed my teeth and layed on the couch. I can't sleep if it's too quiet, so with Cesar being away, I turned on the TV and allowed it to run in the background and soon enough, I was sleeping.

I woke up in cold sweat. I looked around and my eyes caught sight of the alarm clock on the side table. It was 2:35 AM. It was dark, but everything seemed in place, so I leaned my head back on the pillow, trying to sleep but I freezed when I heard noises outside. Sounded like someone was outside the front door. I was convinced my mind was playing tricks on me until the door handle moved.

Since Cesar was at Ruby's, it meant someone was trying to break in. I got up from the couch and took ahold of the gun. I wasn't going to shoot anyone, but I needed to scare them away. The lock clicked and the door slowly opened.

"Better get the fuck back!" I yelled at the intruder, trying to seem intimidating, when in reality my hands were shaking.

The door opened wider and the shadow walked in, hands raised in the air. The man squinted his eyes at me before speaking up.

"Rosie?" He asked and I saw him. He was wearing a black wife beater and some grey shorts. His hair was shaved and below his eye a tear drop tattoo.

"Oscar? Fucking hell." I scoffed and placed the gun back on the coffe table, taking a seat on the couch. I dragged my hands on my face. It's too early for this. He grabbed his bag and came in.

"Glad someone's happy to see me." He laughed and sat besides me, leaving the duffle bag at his feet.

I shaked my head. "I thought someone was breaking in fool."

"Yea, saw that gun. Really could've shot me." He joked.

I turned to face him. "How come you're back so early?" When Antonio told us their sentences, Oscar wasn't supposed to back for at least a few more years.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I got out on good behavior."

I snorted.

"Something funny?"

"Nah, I'm glad you're here." I smiled.

"It's good to be back." He agreed. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a marlboro cigarette pack. He pulled one out with his teeth and offered me one. I took one out of the pack and placed it between my lips. After he lit up his he reached and placed his lighter at the tip of my cigarette. I puffed until it was burning evenly then took a long drag, exhaling out the smoke. I grabbed it between my fingers and tapped the ashes in the ashtray on the table.

Oscar raised an eyebrow. "You smoke now?"

"I'm not 10 anymore." I laughed.

He chuckled while looking absently at the ashtray. "Guess not." He muttered. "How come you're here?" He spoke louder.

"Cesar didn't like being alone and to be fair, I didn't want to be alone with Elizabeth after what went down with dad." I told him. Truthfully, I didn't want to face her after she cheated on dad with that shitty prophet, too scared I would go nuts and end up making a scene.

He hummed, taking another drag. "You could've slept in my bed while I was gone. Couch ain't that comfy to sleep in."

"It was fine, I didn't want to intrude."

"Is Cesar sleeping?" He asked.

"Yea, but he's staying over at Ruby's." I explained, stubbing my cigarette in the ashtray

He took one last drag before he did the same getting up from the couch, heading to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He stated.

I got up and put on my shoes.

"Yea, I should probably leave."

"No." He said. "You should stay, I don't mind if you crash here. You're welcome anytime."

"Ok." I muttered while getting rid of my shoes and getting back on the couch, pulling the blanket up to my chin. Oscar got in and turned the shower. It was silent for a few minutes. I could only hear the water running and occasionally the distant sound of voices down the road.

After he came out, he went to his room. Before he could open his door I spoke up.

"Oscar?" I muttered. "You heard anything from dad?"

A moment of silence took over before he finaly spoke, glancing over to look at me.

"I spoked to him before I was released. We'll talk tomorrow, it's late." He went in his room and closed the door behind him. It was now silent again and I fell asleep quickly.

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Muévete / Oscar 'Spooky' DiazWhere stories live. Discover now