Chapter Forty-Seven

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"After tonight everything changes Stas" I say softly as I hold her in my arms. 

Her body isn't as tense as it was a few moments ago after she went for Hugh but as I say the words I feel her tense up slightly more. 

The guilt I feel knowing that we're fundamentally forcing her to face a trauma she wants to bury away is difficult to swallow but on the same hand it's unfortunately what needs to happen whether I or anyone else likes it or not. 

"Don't force me to do this Blake, please" she pleads with me and all I can do is tighten my hold around her knowing I can't give her the response that she really wants right now. 

I know we'd initially said it would be her choice whether she joined us or not but things have changed. As Hugh stated, Stasia has fast become a part of our family whether she sees realised it yet or not. 

Things may be rocky between the two of them right now but when it comes to me and the rest of my brothers I know there's not a chance any of us are going to let her simply walk away. Stasia is one of us, she belongs with us and after tonight everyone will know it too. 

Especially them fuckers that hurt her because they're the first with targets on their backs. Even Hugh has made sure of that whether he lets Stasia know or not. 

When I don't say anything she slumps and deflates in my arms and I hate the vulnerableness of it. 

"I don't have a choice in any of this do I?" she asks, she sniffs and selfishly I'm glad she's not facing me because I don't think I could bring myself to see her cry again. Not when it's us that's doing it do her. 

"No sweetheart this needs to happen" I reply and fuck me even I hate how much of an ass I sound right now. "I promise you we'll keep you safe" I then say trying to reassure her even though I know it's probably beyond pointless. 

"I really hope you're right" she sniffles back and the amount of doubt oozing from each word is unmissable. 

After a while I finally manage to coax Stasia to get showered and start getting her stuff together so we can head off. We're behind on time and I know that'll be agitating Hugh but she needed time to digest everything and now she has I'm sure everything else will be easier. 

Or well I hope it will be. 

As I come out of her room I'm surprised to find him leant against the wall waiting quietly with his phone in his hand but then everything with him is unexpected recently, especially when it comes to Stasia. The man clearly doesn't know how to function properly when it comes to her and it's been so much worse since the restaurant opening. 

"You shouldn't have fucking said that to her, and you deserved that slap" I snap at him as soon as the door closes behind me.

He needs to learn that maybe if he adjusted his approach a little he'd get a lot further with her but I can't see that happening any time soon. 

Ignoring what I said he shoves his phone in his pocket and pushes off the wall. 

"Micky called, Ma's on her flight back to Ireland now" he says and there's a slight bit of relief at hearing that. 

Getting her out of dodge was the first thing that needed to happen because there's not a doubt in any of our minds that she'll be the first person Falan will go for as soon as we show our cards. He'll know that she'll be the easiest way to get us to fold and that can't happen. 

"Is she getting ready?" he then asks nodding his head towards Stasia's door. 

What I think he really wants to ask is if she's okay but he's way to hard headed for that. Complete avoidance of any show of compassion to her is his regular at the moment, although it slipped slightly last night when she cooked for us. 

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