HEAS sucks

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Yeah, Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me again I know I'm just obsessed w/ it don't judge-

Ok context for this chapter cuz I'm to lazy to write it all:

Gilly gets mad at someone at the market in public and accidentally yells at them and then finds that she has magic powers and when she gets mad it ruins a fruit stand and HEAS sees it and writes that she's a horrible person and makes rude jokes about her which she then gets even more mad and yells at the HEAS writers and so here we are:

I sit at the table as Father continues to yell at me. The rest of my family is at Grandma Pearl's house for the next 2 weeks, for vacation.

"What were you even thinking, Gillian?" He shouts, "Do you even know what this could do to our business? Honestly, first it was thieving and now this!" I look at him dead in the eye.

"I was a kid, I'm not a thief anymore," I tell him, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I don't care!" He roars, "What is your problem? Why are you even here?" He takes my arm and yanks it, causing me to stumble up. His grip on me tightens, and I wince. I'm sure it's gonna bruise. He leads me towards the back door, and pushes me out. Literally. I land on the grass, hard. I turn toward my father with fearful eyes.

"Goodbye, Gillian," He snarls. He slams the door, leaving me outside. Not to mention it's freezing. I shiver, and try to scale the walls with no luck. So I can't go in to get anything. What the actual hell is wrong with my father? I look towards the grass plains ahead of me. Guess I'll have to walk. Somewhere.

"Well, what a great family I have," I mutter to myself, before setting off to ???.

-----Time Skip-----

I've been walking for hours, and I'm now shivering uncontrollably. Suddenly, my knees buckle, and I fall to the ground. I sit down, curling up to save any body heat left. Lying down on the grass, I feel just how cold it is. The wind burns my skin. I'm so... tired. My eyes start to shut, and the last thing I see is the shape of a figure running towards me

Jax's P.O.V.

I bounce my leg up and down in my chair, watching the girl in the hospital bed for any signs of moment. I hear the sound of a door opening, and turn to find yet another doctor coming in.

"We think she'll be ok," Dr. Red tells me, "You're very lucky you found her at the time you did. If she was out there for 20 more minutes, she might be gone." I turn back to my best friend, her face ghostly pale. When I take her hand, I find it's very cold. What was Gilly doing out there?

All of a sudden, her head snaps up. I watch as her eyes take in her surroundings before landing on me.

"Jax? Where am I?" She questions. I leap up from the chair, and tackle her in a hug. She hugs me back.

"What happened?" She whispers in my ear.

"I'll tell you later," I whisper back.

"Ms. Cobbler is free to go," Dr. Red tells me. I hear the door open again, and look back hoping to find Gilly's Father, who hasn't visited for the whole 3 days she's been here, but only find the doctor exiting the building. Gilly gets out of the bed, and grabs her clothes which lay on the table beside her bed. Without another word, she goes into the bathroom to change. Once she comes back out, I walk with her to the door leading back outside the hospital.

"Are you going home, Gilly?" I ask her.

"No, I don't think my father would like that," She responds bitterly. I raise an eyebrow. Why would he be unhappy about that? Does it have anything to do with the fact that he never visited even though this was all over HEAS?

"Gilly," I hesitate, "Did something happen with him? Is that why you were outside in the middle of the night?" She turns to me, and stops walking.

"Why were you out in the middle of the night?" She questions.

"I was on one of my nightly walks, and I saw you fall," I explain. She nods, and starts walking again. I follow her, and can't help but notice how she completely dodged my question.

"Answer my question," I press. She continues to walk, and when we finally stop, I don't even recognize where we are.

"Fine," She snaps, "I'll tell you. My dad got mad at me because of what I did and all the things that HEAS said and then he kicked me out and that's why I was outside and that's why I'm not going back home."

I reach out to hold her arm. As soon as it makes contact, she winces, and pulls away.

"Gilly," I whisper softly, "Did he hurt you?"

"He'd say he didn't do it to hurt me, but what if he did?" She responds, her voice barely a whisper.

"What did HEAS say?" I ask her, still.

"That I'll sue you, if you step on my lawn. That I'm fearsome, and I'm wretched, and I'm wrong."

"That's so sad," I tell her.

"You don't get to tell me about sad," She snaps back, "You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where he raised me."

Gilly's P.O.V.

My lips start to tremble.

"He caged me, and then he called me crazy," I sob, "I am what I am, because he trained me. I'm so afraid of him." I fall to the ground, shaking. Jax, sits down next to me, and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder. How could he do that? What type of dad is he?

"Gilly, it'll be ok," He comforts me. How does he know? Suddenly, an old newspaper comes flying in the wind. He picks it up, and I watch as his eyes scan the page.

Jax's P.O.V.


By: Coco Clementine

Hello dear readers, today I have devastating news for you.

Gillian Cobbler, our very own hero, was caught at the village today yelling at a boy about 14 years of age. Young Gilly's hands shot out purple flames, singeing Tyler Collin's hair.

I throw the paper down with disgust. My disgust turns to confusion, then to concern.

"Gilly, you have powers???" I freak. She nods, tears still running down her face.

"Show me," I tell her, much calmer. She slowly opens her palm, and a small purple flame comes from it.

"Woah," I breathe. That is so cool!

"Yeah," She mumbles, and closes her fist to extinguish the fire.

"I guess you're not Sticky Fingers anymore," I joke, "Now your Fire Fingers." She lets out a small laugh. I stand up, and hold my hand out. She takes it, and I pull her up.

"You wanna go to Royal Manor?" I ask her. She nods, and I lead her there.

Now to plan her father's murder.

Jax WILL kill Hal, no matter what. Like, he deserves it. Our baby girl can't go through that much pain without some revenge!

Sorry it was kinda short, I've been a bit busy with... something else that you can't know about.


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