𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖

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So this is more to fill in my big gap between stories so it'll be shorter than most. This is in 3rd person (told by a narrator). Hope you like it!

Gilly watched in spite as Tessa and Raza flirted with Jax. She wished she could be as daring as them, even if they were very annoying at times. She had never felt this way towards Jax before, and if she were 12, she would've been disgusted with herself for ever feeling that way about her best friend. But that would be if she were 12.

All too often, she caught herself staring at his big, round, violet eyes that brought her solace and comfort. The way his corn-blonde hair shone in the sunlight. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and the small dimple on his left cheek. His light hearted jokes, and loud laugh that made her smile. His kind-hearted nature and how well he was at sensing when she was hurt or sad or upset.

But alas, it was forbidden. A royal and a peasant would never be accepted in the real world. So, she stuck to dreaming.

"You're staring," A voice from behind Gilly stated. Of course, it was Ollie. Although he loved to watch Jax and Gilly's relationship evolve into something more, he still wasn't going to hesitate to save her from embarrassment. Also, Gilly had told him that if he did, she would buy him a box of Pattycakes. He couldn't deny it. The pirate had an unhealthy obsession with the desserts, and his friends often took that as a chance to bribe him to do something. He didn't care  much though. Anything for pattycakes.

"Thanks," Gilly whispered, and handed him a box full of pattycakes she must've been holding. Ollie breathed in the heavenly aroma, and dug in. Soon after he finished (which didn't take long), Jax walked over to them.

"Hey, Thief," He smiled, looking at her.

"Nice to see you too," Ollie rolled his eyes from behind Gilly. Jax laughed.

"Sorry, Ollie," He apologized. Ollie shrugged. He was just poking fun, he didn't mind at all.

Jax turned his attention back to Gilly. He couldn't help but realize how attractive she looked. Her brown hair flew behind her a bit in the wind, and he found the purple streak of hair in the front brought out her eyes, which were chocolate brown. She was wearing her school uniform, which was a blue knee length dress with red and white striped leggings. He adored the way she looked so amazing in blue. He hadn't realized his feelings for her until about a month back. And even then, he still ignored them. He thought she deserved someone much better than what he could give her. She deserved the world, which was something Jax had came to believe was impossible for him to give to her. Still, a man can dream.

I know, it was super short, but basically the gist of it is that Gilly and Jax both believe that they're not good enough for each other, but they also like to dream about it. And Ollie is, well, Ollie. Still trying to get them together. Like this fandom. I mean like, we're so prepared and organized we have their wedding planned out! Actually, we should start setting up now. *sets up tables* Can someone please put the flowers on the middle tables?

Anyway, byeeee! <3

EDIT: ok so i just realized the jilly shippers thing was not from a comment I saw it was from a chapter in The Jilly Files by TheAnalogyQueen so yeah

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