Idk wut to call it AU Part 1(?)

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I'm back!!! Literally thought of this at midnight and said 'screw sleep' so yeah! Basically this AU is where Jax never went undercover and instead went back to castle life, Gilly never got caught for the hairclip thing, none of the crew went to FTRS, and no Alva and Rump. Kinda just a bunch of fluff, sorry if it's crappy. Enjoy!

I'm a thief. A pretty good one at that, considering I've stolen maybe 35 items, only getting caught twice. But I don't just steal for fun, that's pretty stupid in my opinion. I steal for my family, even if they don't always understand that. My little sister, Anna, hates my stealing, but even if my family hates me, I would still do anything for them.

So yeah, life sucks but I deal with it. As of now, I'm holding a ruby earring dropped by a princess. They won't miss it, so why not use it? More specifically, sell it for something. This will at least buy us dinner for tonight. I trade it in with my buddy Derick, him giving me a big loaf of bread and vegetables.

I wave goodbye, then set off for my house. As soon as I get there, Han and Hamish hug me, Trixie smiles and waves, Felix barely registers I'm here because he's busy reading a book, Anna ignores me, Mother eyes the food suspiciously but gives me a hug nonetheless, and Father straight up scowls at me. I set the food down on the counter, before heading up to my room, which I share with Trixie and Anna.

Our room is split with me in my own bed, and Trixie and Anna sleeping in a bunk bed. While on my side there's minimal things on the walls and I have a simple bedside table and lamp, Anna and Trixie's side is filled with posters of clothing lines (Trixie) and Prince Jaxon (Anna).

Anna has had a crush on Prince Jaxon forever, like everyone else, and is convinced they're soulmates. Of course, it's highly unlikely one of us will ever talk to him again, much less marry him, but our family lets her dream.

"Gilly!" I hear Mother yell, "Dinner!" I walk down the stairs to find everyone else already seated. I take my chair, waiting for everyone else to eat before taking a small portion for myself. People often tell me I'm too skinny, but if it keeps my family happy, I'll take skinny over pretty any day.

Once dinner is done, I head back upstairs along with the rest of my siblings, changing before heading into a deep sleep.


The next morning, I walk Felix, Trixie, and Anna to school. I'm 17, so I'm done with Trade school. Anna's 15, Trixie's 14, and Felix is 12. The twins are 5, too young to go to school yet. Instead, they go to Mother Goose Daycare.

As soon as they're inside the school, I head to the center of the village. I always spend my time there, either hanging out with friends or just walking around. Today, it's quite nice out, so I decide to go sit by the fountain and read my book. It's called Keeper of the Lost Cities, and it's really good.

Just as I flip to the last page of Lodestar, I hear a bunch of gasps all around the square. I look up, and see a large carriage parked in the middle of the village. There, standing outside, are princesses Rose and Rapunzel, along with Princess Sasha and Prince Jaxon. Although tons of children are swarming the royalty, my eyes are focused on (Jax!) the carriage. It's covered in rare jewels that sparkle in the sunlight, and I can't help but think about how just 3 of those could buy my family breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next year.

So, as quietly as I can, I slip behind the carriage, away from the royals. I brush my hands against the diamonds and rubies, surprised when four pop off of the vehicle easily. I quickly stuff them in my pocket, and speed-walk away. I turn around once to find Prince Jaxon watching me curiously. When I lock eyes with him, he mouths 'diamonds' and I almost die. How does he know? I stop walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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