The Ball Part II

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Gilly's P.O.V.

"Oh my goblins Gilly you look AMAZING," Kayla gushes. I don't really think so. The dress looks like a pastry. (I definitely wasn't referring to Speak Now by taylor swift. Definitely.) I sigh.

"Do we really have to wear these stuff?" I ask her.

"Of course! The Ball is to celebrate us, for goodness sake," Kayla responds. Me and the crew are shopping for the ball thats in two nights. They have one every other month, but I guess this one is special because it's our one year anniversary of defeating Alva and Rump. Snow requested we all wear dresses and suits. Well, more like forced, but whatever. After what feels like 5 years, I finally settle on a baby blue dress that reaches the top of my knees, with spaghetti straps. I have to admit, it's really pretty.

"You guys done?" Jax asks, strolling in with Ollie. Jack isn't here, since not a lot of people noticed him during the fight. Jax was ecstatic when he heard that. Those two hate each other, and I don't even know why.

"Yeah, we're done," I reply. Jax smirks.

"Did you have fun Gilly?" he teases. He knows I hate wearing anything fancy. I roll my eyes. I gesture for Maxine, Kayla, AG, and Jocelyn to follow me out of the store. I text my mom to tell her I'm done (yes they have phones) and then head back to FTRS. We all got the weekend off so that we could find something 'sensible to wear to a party' as Flora put it. When we get back Ollie sighs

"I could really use some pattycakes right now," he whines.

"Ollie you had pattycakes like 5 minutes ago," Jax points out.

"Exactly, it's been too long!" he exclaims. Ollie's obsession with pattycakes is a bit concerning. AG giggles and Jax lets out an exasperated sigh. Ollie looks at him mischievously.

"Jax you better do it before someone else ask-" before Ollie can finish his sentence, Jax slaps his hand over his mouth.

"Shut your mouth," Jax says, glaring at him. Then he seems to notice the rest of us staring at them. Ollie starts to make a weird noise.

"Jax don't suffocate Ollie," Maxine tells him.


"Jax," she says with a bit more edge. He sighs and lets go of Ollie's mouth.

"What were you going to say Ollie?" Jocelyn questions.

"Jax was going to ask Gilly if-" Jax shoves Ollie.

"Not. A. Word," he says. He looks so mad right now.

"What were you going to ask me, Jax?" I ask him. He looks worried for a second, but the look goes away so quick, I wonder if it was ever there.

"Nothing, I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap," he replies quickly.

"But it's 4:00 in the afternoon," AG states.

"I'm tired, thats all," Jax responds, already heading to his dorm. I'm so confused. What could've he wanted to ask me about? I really didn't know.

Jax's P.O.V.

I'm so mad at Ollie right now. Why would he say that in front of everyone? At about 7:00 PM, Ollie walks in, and I turn in the other direction.

"Look man, I'm trying to help you out," he says.

"And how's that going for you?" I hiss.

"If you don't ask her now, Jack might," Ollie points out. No way am I letting that beanstalk climbing traitor ask Gilly to the ball. I don't know why it's so hard for me to ask her. It's never been a problem before.

It's because you like her

No I don't

Yes you do

Shut up mind

I end my mental conversation realize and Ollie's saying something.

"-ll I'm saying is that Gilly will definitely say yes, so why keep waiting? Hell, you could do it now," Ollie says.

"Fine," I grumble. Ollie looks pleased. I walk out of the dorm to go find Gilly.

Gilly's P.O.V.

After the group, minus Jax, go our separate ways, I decided to go outside. I like going out to the garden and sitting on a bench there. It's a good place to think. As of now, I'm thinking about what Jax could've wanted to ask me. I gone through about 10 different ideas when I hear someone call out behind me.

"Hey thief," Jax says as he walks up and sits next to me.

"Hey," I respond, "What was it you wanted to ask me this afternoon?"

"I um, I wanted t-to ask, you if-if," Jax stutters. It's kind of cute. wait what? I shake my head a little to get rid of that thought.

"Spit it out, Jax!" I tell him. He takes a deep breath.

"Gilly, will you come with me to the ball?" My heart skips a beat. Why am I feeling like this? I've gone to plenty of balls with Jax as a friend. So why should this one be different? He's probably asking to go as friends. We're best friends, after all. He's not asking to go as anything more. But you want to. As I think I realize that Jax is saying something.

"Gilly? Will you go with me?" he asks

"Oh! Yeah sure," I respond, trying to play it cool while my heart does cartwheels. He stands up.

"Well, okay. I guess I'll just leave now," he says awkwardly. I stand up too.

"Bye," I say.

"Bye," he responds as he walks back. I sit back down and stay there for a bit, smiling thinking the same thing over and over. Jax asked me to the ball. Jax asked me to the ball! Jax asked me to the ball!!!

Wow, that one was even longer than the last. Anyway, I put a bit of Jilly in there, but not a lot, so sorry about that. I can't really assure you that there will be a kiss anytime soon. *notices torches getting dangerously close to window* But you never know, there might be! *dashed outta the house before they can burn it down*

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