Chapter 12

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The next day, Pete woke up earlier than his usual time cause his mind was full of thoughts and anxiety, he lay there in silence just watching the peacefully sleeping man next to him, he was wrapped in his arms, both half-naked melting in their body warmth, pete cupped vegas' face with one hand and started caressing it gently as he memorised his features by heart, something inside him was tearing him apart with guilt, and fear of breaking vegas' heart, but the other feeling was stronger,

"Good morning," Vegas said with his eyes still closed, Pete smiled and leaned forward leaving a kiss on his boyfriend's lips, "Good morning love,"
Vegas opened his eyes slowly adjusting to the light, he pulled Pete closer and planted a kiss on his forehead, it became a morning habit, "you're up early, is everything okay?" "I just woke up to get some water and couldn't go back to sleep, I will start getting ready," Pete attempted to leave the bed but was pulled back in immediately, "it's still early let's cuddle for a few minutes," vegas said in his sleepy voice as he pulled Pete to his chest,

They lay there in silence in each other's arms enjoying the moment of peace together, Pete started to feel overwhelmed by the mixed feelings he'd gotten the past day, the feeling of warmth and safety Vegas's arms provided made him feel everything all over again, so he buried his face in his neck wanting to feel him closer, he took a deep breath and pulled away slightly facing vegas, "I love you vegas, I love you so much and I want you to know that I would never hurt you on purpose, you're my everything, and I don't want to lose you, promise me vegas, promise me that nothing can ever come between us,"

Vegas was getting worried again but he just kissed him reassuringly, "The only thing that can come between us is Venice when he gets nightmares at night," Pete laughed and went back to the hug, "You won't lose me Pete, not under my watch, and I love you too, more than I will ever be able to express, and I'm here for you if you ever have any troubles, we can face them together, you don't have to do it alone baby, not anymore," vegas' words should be comforting but they only made Pete feel guilty even more, he hugged him tighter and didn't say a word.

Later in the afternoon Pete was sitting with Porsche in one of their friends' cafe, he was feeling nervous and anxious and was on the verge of throwing up any moment, "Hey, look at me," Porsche demanded so Pete did, "we can leave if you change your mind do you hear me, you are not obligated to do this," "I want to do it Porsche, I want to close this chapter once and for all," Porsche nodded and at that moment time walked in,

"Good afternoon gentlemen," he said with a grin as he took a seat in front of them, "Just get to the point," Pete had no patience to deal with him, "At least let's order something and have a nice talk-" "No if you don't say what you have in 5 minutes we are leaving," Pete shot him a dead look so time stopped smiling and leaned forward, " You are not a patient guy, are you? Well then..."
He opened his bag and got an envelope out of it, "This is the medical report of that day," "How do we know it's not fake!" Porsche asked, "You can go check for yourself if you want, tho I don't you'd be able to get anything from them," "How did you get it then?" "I have my ways," he placed the envelope on the table and stood up to leave, "take it or leave it, have a good day gentlemen," and then he walked away with a smirk, Pete took the envelope with shaky hands and put it in his bag, "let's go, Porsche,"

Back in Pete's apartment, the two sat quietly in the living room looking at the still-closed envelope on the coffee table, "do you want me to read it for you?" Porsche asked when he noticed how badly nervous Pete was, "Yes please," Porsche opened the envelope and scanned the papers with his eyes but it was more than enough to make the colours drain from his face, he looked at Pete with frightened eyes and he immediately understood, "Pete I-" he snatched the papers from his hands and his eyes feĺl on the names,
"Gun Theerapanyakul- Venice Theerapanyakul- Pete Pongsakorn"
"Got in a car accident on May the 5th 2023, 9:15 am.

Gun Theerapanyakul: died at the scene, 1st degree burns and injuries in the chest area.

Venice Theerapanyakul: head injury, found next to the scene outside of the car.

Pete Pongsakorn: Major injuries at the chest area and the right arm, a few small wounds on the neck and the face and a minor concussion. Found outside of the car with the little child at around 9:45.

Pete felt his heartbeats rising with each second passing, there was a loud ringing in his ears, and memories from that day rushed to him but this time they were clear as if they were happening before his eyes, the little boy who looked just like his Venice even with the blood covering his face, the man in the car who he now remembers his face clearly, the same face he saw in the pictures in vegas' house, "Porsche, this...I...what have I done,"

"Hey hey hey stop, Pete, don't go there look at me," Porsche took the papers from his trembling hands and held them with his, "Venice's grandpa, Vegas's father, I killed him, it was me, God what have I done, what have I done Porsche!" Pete was starting to panic as breathing got more difficult and his eyes were burning with tears, Porsche knew that talking him out of it wouldn't work so he just tried to calm him down first, but this attack was worse than any previous one, "How am I gonna face them now Porsche, how can I look in their eyes knowing that I killed their pa, how can I live with this now," he was barely able to talk cause he was sobbing and gasping loudly,

Porsche felt so helpless and wanted to call someone but that wasn't an option, so he ran to the bedroom and got Pete's inhaler and pills, he used them in the first couple of months after the accident to help with the nightmares and panic attacks. Pete was slowly drifting away as he let the overwhelming feeling of guilt and fear wash over him and consume him whole, his sobs got calmer but his eyes were blank and lifeless, and he was not responding to Porsche, "Pete, can you hear me??" He tried to get his attention but with no use,

Porsche took his jacket off and helped Pete onto his feet, he took him to the bathroom and then placed him in the bathtub after he removed his sweater, "Don't scare me like this Pete please," he turned on the cold water and started tapping his nape gently with his wet hand, and little by little he started moving to his head, face and the rest of his body, "Come on buddy come back to me," he sat on the floor next to him holding his hand and pouring cold water on him occasionally,

Inside his bubble, Pete was fighting to go back to his senses, but something inside him kept pulling him back to the safety of the darkness, facing reality was so scary, he wanted to hide from it, to run away and shut down all his feelings. But how could he? How could he leave Vegas and Venice, as if he could live without them anymore, venice and Vegas are his everything now, no matter what it brings.

as their faces kept coming in front of him, Pete was slowly pulling away from his trance, and then he felt the cold water running down his entire body, he let out a loud gasp causing Porsche, who was leaning on the edge of the bathtub, to jump "Hey hey it's alright you're okay, can you hear me?" Pete nodded as he focused on his breathing, "do you wanna go to the hospital?" "No, no need" Porsche let out a long breath and melted on the floor, "You really scared me bro,"

Pete's eyes filled with tears again and Porsche hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," "shhhh it's alright sweetheart it's okay," he kept patting his back letting him cry till he almost fell asleep on his shoulder, "I know you think this is your fault Pete, but it was an accident, it was no one's fault, you can't keep blaming yourself baby please I can't let you do this to yourself,"

Pete was listening to Porsche's words and tho he wanted to believe them, guilt is a strong feeling, and at that moment it was the only thing he felt,
"What if they never forgive me for it, what if Venice hates me, I can't live without them Porsche I-" "They won't, wanna know why?? Because it is not your damn fault Pete, and because those two love you just as much and will never let you go," "Bu-" "No buts or asses, let's get you to bed before you say more nonsense, you need to rest."

Tell me your opinions on this as usual and see you next chap<3

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