The System

41 2 0

As Oscar slept soundly, I delved into our shared consciousness, seeking answers within the depths of the system. 'System status,' I inquired, prompting a blue screen to materialize before me.


[Oscar Pine]

[Farm Boy]

Level: 3

Vitality: 12

Endurance: 13

Intelligence: 7

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 13

Luck: 2

Magic: 1

Aura: 10

Semblance: [Locked]


-Fire Burst-

Taking in the information displayed before me, I noted Oscar's attributes with a sense of approval. 'Not bad,' I murmured to myself, observing the substantial levels of strength, Endurance, and dexterity likely acquired from working on the farm.

'System inbox' A blue screen pops up showing me all the notifications.


- plus 10 stat points for killing your first Grimm.

- System update!!!

- Update stats!!!

- 1x combat gloves

- 1x Basic hand-to-hand combat Tome

[Accept All]

As I navigated through the system inbox. With a quick acceptance, the items and updates are seamlessly integrated into our inventory, ready to be used. Proceeding to initiate the system update and stat enhancement, I settled in for the mundane task, the passage of time marked only by the dull hum of the virtual interface.

Finally, as the update was completed, I accessed the system stats once more to survey the changes. I then used the 10 stat points.


[System Stats]

[Name: Oscar Pine, Orion]

[Titles: {Farm Boy: 60% proficiency in farming.}]

[Level: 3]


[Stats Points: 0]

[Vitality: 12]

[Endurance: 13]

[Perception: 10]

[Intelligence: (7) x 2 = 14]
(Two souls, one body.)

[Strength: 15 + 5 = 20]

[Dexterity: 13]

[Luck: 2]

[Magic: 1 + 5 = 6]

[Aura: (10) x 2 = 20]
(Two souls, one body.)


[Semblance: {Locked}]

[Magic: {Fire Burst}]

[Skills: {Farming}]

[Passives: None]

[Weapons: {Combat Gloves}]




After confirming the choice for Oscar's stats, I ventured into the system's store, eager to explore the array of items available for purchase. As I sifted through the virtual shelves, a plethora of tantalizing goods greeted me, ranging from powerful artifacts to whimsical trinkets inspired by various anime and fiction. However, many of the most coveted items remained frustratingly out of reach, their price tags far beyond our humble budget of 500 gold. And many other items are unavailable like the Sharingan and many other items.

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